Sorceries; Rev. 9:21 & Acts: 8:11
The word "sorceries" in the Bible is apparently translated from a greek word "pharmakia" which can refer to drugs, or refers to a subject which includes drugs. Ayman Al Zawahiri, considered the #2 man in Al Qaeda, gradiuated from Cairo University in 1974 with a degree in Psychology and Pharmacology. It sounds to me like he probably obtained his exalted position by knowing how to drug prospective terrorists into homicidal mania. The recent school murders, such as at Columbine, have been perpetrated by people using prescribed psychological drugs. The news media refers to Al Zawahiri as a "medical doctor" as if he treats hemorrhoids, cataracts, or post-nasal drip and ignores his psych/pharm degree. It is of interest to me that there are proposed laws, promoted by Barak's Senate friends Ted and Chris, to require all school children to be examined by our own Psychological drug experts - probably to determine which should be drugged into a compliant stupor and which should be drugged into homicidal mania.