Originally Posted by MC1171611
I tend to think of it this way: God preserved His people, the Jews, scattered all over the globe, for almost 2,000 years since the last dispersion, and He was able to bring them back into the Land of Promise starting in 1948. If He could do that with those stiffnecked (God bless them!!) and rebellious people (Shalom Aleichem! ), then what a fool a man would have to be to think that He could not have preserved His own WORDS through the centuries and brought them back together in one place in 1611!
"Could" and "did" are two completely different things. Yes, God "could" do that. What a fool a man would have to be to think that He
could not have preserved His own WORDS through the centuries and brought them back together in one place in
1881! But
did he? No.