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View Poll Results: Greatest Western "flick".........................
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 1 9.09%
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
1 9.09%
Magnificent Seven 0 0%
Magnificent Seven
0 0%
3:15 to Yuma 1 9.09%
3:15 to Yuma
1 9.09%
Other: Which one? 9 81.82%
Other: Which one?
9 81.82%
Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-29-2008, 01:19 PM
Traditional Anglican Traditional Anglican is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: TEXAS
Posts: 134

Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
Both versions of "3:10 to Yuma" were very good, but in my opinion, the newer version is superior. It's a good story, because it's character-driven instead of action-driven. The charming sociopath vs. the dull, plodding "good man." Christian Bale and Russell Crowe were excellent.

I loved "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," but I don't think it was the greatest western ever, because all of Eastwwod's "spaghetti westerns" were atypical of the genre. "Unforgiven" was marvelous, and may be the greatest; it's hard to say.

Although I like it very much, I can't consider "The Magnificent Seven" the greatest, because it's not an original story; it's a westernized remake of "The Seven Samurai." Nothing wrong with that, but it's still a remake.

Critics say "The Searchers" is the greatest, and I'd be inclined to agree: John Wayne was nearly perfect in that movie. But there were elements of "comic relief" that were so broad, and so trite, that they nearly ruin the movie for me.

I could talk about westerns all night, so I'll just cut it short. I don't know what the greatest western was, but I have no doubt about my personal favorite: "Tombstone," which I've watched so often that I've almost got it memorized!
I should have been more clear, I was including both the older and new Yuma, but I think the newer is better for pretty much the reason you stated, Crowe's "Bad Guy" was so filled with complex moral ambiguity that he was like a live wire. (Love his frequent use of Proverbs.)

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