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Old 11-03-2008, 12:16 PM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
McCain is not a bad man. I respect him, as a man. But it seems to me that, for one reason or another, he views wars (such as a possible war with Iran) as a first option, not the last option. I do not believe in the Bush doctrine of "pre-emptive war," and I fear that McCain does believe in it. (I hope I'm wrong, because I expect him to be elected!) America has fought righteously in the past when we've fought against those who attacked us first.

Which would include Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, but not Iraq; and, so far, not Iran.
Actually there is some evidence to suggest that Iraq was a big player in supporting and aiding the terrorists who attacked us. Midhar, Hamzi and Atta were all in contact with Iraqi government officlals just before 9/11, and the men who attacked the WTC in 1993 found refuge in Iraq, see this link, which also shows Hussein provided money, diplomatic services, shelter, medical care, and training to terrorists of every stripe, including those complicit in the 1993 WTC bombing and — according to a Clinton-appointed federal judge — the September 11 attacks:

In my opinion, we have already been fighting Iraq for many months after they sent insurgents and trained or paid others to kill our military in Iran.

So to me, both Iraq and Iran have attacked us, directly or indirectly, in one way or another. Obviously, I do not consider McCain a warmonger at all. That said, I join VR and you all in hope that every American in this forum votes for McCain/Palin, and considering he title, I had hoped this thread would focus more on problems with Obama than people trying to dicredit McCain.

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