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Old 10-30-2008, 10:16 PM
Traditional Anglican Traditional Anglican is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: TEXAS
Posts: 134
Exclamation Please pray.

This may sound like an absurd Prayer request, so I will give background first. My wife and I lost a child late term in the pregnancy. (In fact it is not probable we will have a child, except our little Hannah, who is in Heaven.) We will see her there. When my wife felt better and stable, I bought her a little dog, a little Bichon, we took her and the cat to the vet, and the vet detected a heart murmour, I ask you to pray that our dog is OK, and it is not really about praying for a dog, it is what she represents, she helped fill a void for my wife when she needed it. It would be very hard on my wife to loose this pet at this juncture, the whole event....was traumatic, and I don't think she could handle it now. It would be hard for me, it is hard to even type this. Blessings.

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