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Old 10-22-2008, 02:35 PM
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atlas atlas is offline
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Default Peter Ruckman stance on abortion


There is never a need to hide what any man believes on any issue.

You may hate me for this, but we need to expose false doctrine no matter who teaches it.

You all need to listen to this. This way I will not be accused of that I am taking him out of context.

Peter Ruckman teaches that life starts when a baby breaths open air out side of the mothers womb. This is not found anywhere in the Bible other than in the creation of the first man Adam, and God breathed into Adam. This has nothing to do with anyone of the birth of any person in the history of the world.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
The Bible dose not say God breathed open air into Adam.

Now some of the folks here will not like me posting this link. I believe in the truth. I always have. if this is what Dr. Ruckman believes this why hide it. Why not post it for all to see.

Not one man on earth today or in the last 6000 years was made the 1st man Adam. Therefore Gen. 2:7 has nothing to do with when a man's life begins today. Gen. 2:7 has to do with Adam becoming a living soul. God did not make me out of dirt, he made Adam out of dirt. God did not breath into me the breath of life, no any other person alive on this earth today.

Dr. Ruckman is 100% wrong on this issue. I do not care if you like me or hate me for this post. If you are an honest man or woman you'll understand why I made this post any why I oppose Dr. Ruckman on this issue 100%.

I made this post on the topic, " When does a person become a living soul? " I am posting this again for all to read. Dr. Ruckman says a baby becomes a living soul when he gets slapped on the but takes his 1st breath. He dose not seem to acknowledge the fact that no other person other than Adam was made the way Gen. 2:7 describes Adam being made and coming to life.

1. God never formed any other person from dirt, not even Eve. She was made from Adam

2. God never breathed any one's nostrils other than Adam's.

3. We are made in Adam's fallen image.

4. All of our attributes came from Adam. Our body, soul and spirit also came from Adam. This is we must be reborn. We are born with Adam's spirit not God's spirit.

5. God did not make us literally, our mom and dad did this.

I think anyone that thinks you must breath open air to be alive is 100% incorrect. The Bible dose not teach this.

Abortion is murder 100% of the time.

I do not care what Planned Parenthood, the ACLU or Dr. Peter S. Ruckman says about this issue.


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