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Old 02-28-2008, 02:52 AM
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Default The King James is not perfect, and you all know it!

Sorry brothers and sisters.
God did preserve his word, but that refers to him protecting the original manuscripts for transference to multiple generations, not some mans OPINION as to which is the best translation, PERIOD! so snap out of it please.
The very fact that the king james refers to the greek word for "passover" as "easter" is a mistranslation and simply serves to show it is the work of men and not of God. Not to mention where they translated the word for Joshua as Jesus in hebrews, which is proof alone that it is not perfect so therefore cannot be Gods perfect preserved word.
A translation is just that, "a translation" and thus is subject to human bias and influence and it can never ever be perfect, so stop promoting the idea that the King James is perfect when i know and you know for a fact it is not.
As if that ain't bad enough it's shockingly hard to read, even with an 18th century dictionary near by. The sentence structures are back to front, a lot of the words are outdated complicated or have lost their original meaning, and teenagers just can't get to grips with it, so therefore or (Wherefore if you like) i know for a fact that God wants his word available in the LANGUAGE OF THE DAY and that the King James IS NOT in the language of the day, its in a hybrid language of what we are familiar with but its not the language of today with our syntax, word structures, and modern meanings. I have said enough to prove that the King James Authorised version "TRANSLATION" is NOT PERFECT and therefore cannot be the preserved word of God as you like to infer. remember the letter kills but spirit gives life.

I am currently updating and revising the king james new testament with the help of the holy spirit, and it has made me realise just how badly written the king james is and how a lot of potential revelation is missing due to obscure verses and bad sentence structure and mistranslations and the fact that it is so literal(which doesn't translate well to other languages) Just because you may have got used to quoting the king james bible, it doesn't mean there can be no other.
Pesonally i would rate the king james bible at about 80% accurate with 60% of potential revelation available out of 100.
My version is approximately 95% accurate with about 90% of potential revelation available. I will be calling my version the 21st century King James version. And yes it has been written as a tribute and in honor of the King james scholars.
I am basing it on the king james manuscripts and am quite aware of the dubious carnal man made modern versions available and will be avoiding their mistakes at all costs so don't worry.

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