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Old 10-09-2008, 06:37 PM
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JaeByrd JaeByrd is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Oklahoma, USA
Posts: 156

There is a saying that came to mind when reading this thread. I don't know who said it or where it's from:

Compromise is always wrong if it means sacrificing a principle.
Love (charity) is good, but not at the expense of law/principles/standards.

One thing with an online forum is the difficulty of not seeing the person behind the words. This often times leaves an impression of anger or other emotions when someone is just being straight forward. (Or sarcastic) This causes misunderstandings very easily.

What often times looks like a quick judgement can be just recognizing the same pattern from frequent exposure. After a time of dealing with the same things again and again you realize that after a certain point in the conversation it is no use to continue.

For years I saw George discuss these subjects in person. For the past 14 years I've seen/heard some of the emails Diligent gets on it. Dozens of the same types of messages each month, and again the next month, and the next...

You can usually tell the difference after a few back and forth postings between a "seeker" and a mischief-maker in the questions they ask and the how/what they reply after being answered.

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