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Old 10-07-2008, 08:22 AM
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Default SWORD Wars

I have been here for a while now on this board, and with great sadness I don't know what to make of this forum at all.
I see a lot of Sword (meaning God's Precious Sacred Word of God) being used what I would deem sacrilege to make points and sling mud at people.
My husband calls this kind of thing, Sword Wars.
And does that not speak perfectly?
And then when Scripture is quoted, words are added to make sure that the person being addressed is cast down and made sure to know that they are not grounded in Scripture and having no idea that some people, like me, have even been involved in defending God's Word in disastrous translations that were being produced (such as defending Leviticus 6 or Matthew or John) (although rejected sometimes but still wrote in defense of God's Word)...let alone having a preaching and teaching anointed husband who is quite known for teaching in layman's terms the Old Testament and how it relates to the New Testament.
Now I know just saying this, I know that a lot of people here will jump in and make wide excuses and say things like, they are defending the Word, and well, I can think of many ways people will jump on my case for merely saying what I said here.
I certainly can get out my software and get to quoting Scriptures and wow, do I have a few I can use, but it does not seem right to do so, for I don't think that the Lord Jesus called me to do that. As most people see, I am speaking from my heart and what God put in there is coming out. For what God has given me, that is what I am sharing. I am not trying to tear people down by quoting Scriptures and then get a real mud slinging Scripture war going as I see here--often...for the purpose of tearing not building. Then in complete loveless triumph some are acting like it is time for coffee and a job well done.
(In a sense Scripture Quoting can be very dangerous ground because one must savor the entire BIBLE and not cut and paste. I embrace EVERY WORD of the Bible and adore it and even as Jay P. Green, Sr., told me once personally in a letter...that we must believe every Scripture even if we do not understand it. And I took it to heart when he said that to me years ago, for it is true.)
When I came to this board, I was awed by some people who were loving God's Word and too considered it SACRED and I too was awed after coming to where God had brought me--in The King James Bible.
But I just see now, that some people here are using the Bible in an all together different way, in a hate way.
I find that very sacrilege.
I really have pondered so often with a broken heart, that so many forums are just like this, but to see God's Word used in this way, it troubles me so very greatly.
Tears upon tears.

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