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Old 10-06-2008, 01:41 PM
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Default Obama link to terrorism


You know that Obama has 2 half brothers, Mark Ndesandjo and Raila Odinga.
Mark lives in China as a ‘consultant’ – he speaks fluent Chinese and has been helping Chinese companies export goods to the US (some of which have been recalled). He hopes to increase his efforts once his brother is US President, expecting that Obama will relax restrictions on Chinese imports.

Obama has indicated an intention of opening more trade from China. (he did vote in favor of recalling children’s toys, but not the other products with problems)

British government indicates that Mark also has a licensed company in the UK – and is known to have funneled money from the UK to Hamas in Palestine, as well as to Osama Bin Laden and other terrorist groups. However, most of the money is sent to Hamas, through Ralia Odinga Obama, his brother.

Mark is reported to have donated money to Obama’s campaign, and to funnel other money from China to terrorist activities, via his brother Ray Odinga.

It is interesting to also note that Mark had a high end US education too – he attended Brown U for a Bachelors, Stanford for a degree in Physics, and an MBA from Emory. He worked in the US for 12 years in the 80s and 90s. He has 2 Chinese wives and one from Kenya.

Raila Odinga (aka Malik Obango Roy Obama) is the other brother, who lives in Kenya and operates as a known terrorist there. He is married to the niece of a man named Mohammad Taha.
Mohammad Taha is one of the founders of Hamas back in the 1980s – and the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and head of the militant branch of Hamas known as Al Aqsa Mosque red Brigade (a group we have heard in the news associated with attacks, bombings etc).

“Hamas was created in 1987 by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Mohammad Taha of the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood at the beginning of the First Intifada.”

Malik Obango Obama is supported by Hamas and the PLO, and is working to turn Kenya into an Islamic State. He has conducted genocide against those who oppose him, and against Christians. He was quoted in The Times (UK paper) as saying "Barak is a good muslim and will be good for America" and " My brother will be good for the Jews despite his muslim upbringing and heritage”

All of this brings up even more troubling questions, more indicators of issues that we, in this country, should be concerned about.

Then in digging for information on Obama’s voting record on various issues (I am motivated because of many comments made about his ‘agenda’ and turning this country into a socialist nation) and I find the following voting record:

[*]Obama voted to ban hundreds of rifles and shotguns commonly used for hunting and sport shooting
Illinois Senate, SB 1195, 3/13/03
[*]Obama endorsed a ban on all handguns
Independent Voters of Illinois/Independent Precinct Organization general candidate questionnaire, 9/9/96
Politico, 03/31/08.
[*]Obama voted to allow the prosecution of people who use a firearm for self-defense in their homes Illinois Senate, S.B. 2165, vote 20, 3/25/04 [*]Obama supported increasing taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500 percent .
Chicago Defender, 12/13/99
[*]Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting
United States Senate, S. 397, vote 217, 7/29/05
[*]Obama opposes Right-to-Carry laws
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 4/2/08, Chicago Tribune, 9/15/04 Being against assault weapons is one thing, but to protect your home? For hunting or gun collecting? This goes against the Second Amendment first of all; and when combined with other ‘indicators’ is cause for alarm.

The names above, the involvement in terrorism etc. are all verifiable online. There is a good deal of information about the 3 men noted above, the voting record is just that – public record, and there are plenty more out there.


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