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Old 09-30-2008, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post
Still no answer to my question. Why do you not want to answer it?
Do YOU believe that the Brethren who put their "Hope" in the pre-tribulation translation of the Body Of Christ are deceived by satan?

I also put absolutely NO stock in what Tim Lahaye says either, as his books have the Pope and mother teresea raptured.

My research shows the pre-trib deception comes through the Roman Catholic Church.To answer your question.Do I think those who put their hope in the pre-trib rapture deceived by satan?Let me see what the definition of deception is?

Main Entry: de·ceive
Function: verb
Pronunciation: di-'sev
Inflected Form(s): de·ceived ; de·ceiv·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French deceivre, from Latin decipere, from de- + capere to take -- more at HEAVE
transitive senses
1 archaic : ENSNARE
2 a obsolete : to be false to b archaic : to fail to fulfill
3 obsolete : CHEAT
4 : to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid
5 archaic : to while away
intransitive senses : to practice deceit ; also : to give a false impression <appearances can deceive>
- de·ceiv·er noun
- de·ceiv·ing·ly/-'se-vi[ng]-le/ adverb
synonyms DECEIVE , MISLEAD , DELUDE , BEGUILE mean to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness. DECEIVE implies imposing a false idea or belief that causes ignorance, bewilderment, or helplessness <tried to deceive me about the cost>. MISLEAD implies a leading astray that may or may not be intentional <I was misled by the confusing sign>. DELUDE implies deceiving so thoroughly as to obscure the truth <we were deluded into thinking we were safe>. BEGUILE stresses the use of charm and persuasion in deceiving <was beguiled by false promises>.

I cant say those that believe in a pre-trib are being deceived by satan.I can honestly say,after my research and what saith the Scripture`s is that I was being deceived by some Godly,honest brethren in the Lord.

Hitler himself said,tell a lie long enough it will be believed as the truth,no matter what the evidence shows,or some-thing similar.

All deception is of satan though,because God`s Word says,satan is a liar and the father of lies {John 8:44}KJV

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