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Old 09-26-2008, 09:10 AM
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atlas atlas is offline
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Default " Christian TV Stars"


As I have stated in another post Christian TV is a joke. Let's look at a Good 'ole boy from Fort Worth Texas. I lived there for four years and know all about this scum bag

Kenneth Copeland nets $100,000,000.00 per year, yep that's right ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR.

Now what dose the " man of God " do with this money? Well first of all you buy your own plane, well it's really a jet. What good is a jet without your own airport, well if you are Kenneth Copeland, it's worthless. The jet only cost $20 million. So he had his own air port built. Kenneth Copeland likes motor cycles, this is not a real issue. You can like motor cycles. There is nothing wrong with that in it's self. So here is the problem " Kenny " owns 57, yes that is right 57 motor cycles. Some of them with a price tag of over $100,000.00. We all know " God's man needs to ride his bike in style. Why not own classic Harley Davidson bikes? " Kenny has many of them. If you keep sending money maybe you can help " Kenny " get a few more nice bikes to ride on his 250 acre ranch just out side of Fort Worth Texas. God only knows what his land is worth. " Kenny " goes on high priced hunting trips, he also vacations on " missionary trips " to Hawaii, I'm sure the Hawaiians need to hear about the Lord. So " Kenny goes to " share " the gospel with them. Well " Kenny thanks for " sharing. "

You should see his house. I know many do not believe in the " prosperity gospel, " but 'ole " Kenny " lives it. With a home, jets and 57 motor cycles. The " prosperity gospel " is doing " Kenny " just and dandy. You'd think he'd open a homeless shelter in Ft. Worth, or give money to churches, oh no not " Kenny " " Kenny may tell you to " sow a seed of faith " while at the same time " Kenny " never sows any " seeds of faith. "

Kenny is just one of the many " Christian TV Stars " in the world today. I just happen to know all about " Kenny " because I used to street preach and pass out tracts at Billy Bob's ( the largest honky tonk in the world, located in Ft. Worth Texas ) and " Kenny's son " John or " Johnny " as I call him used to heckle me when he came by.

Go see the jet, you may want one of your own. Read the whole story, it's funny in a way and sad in a way. Sadly they do not say anything about the 57 motor cycles of the multi million dollar home.

Let me add this. Having money and being rich is just fine, as long as you earn the money. " Kenny " has just begged the money off of others in the name of God.


Last edited by atlas; 09-26-2008 at 09:34 AM.

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