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Old 08-25-2008, 11:58 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
I have heard that speach at a Ecumenical speech to unite all religions

Gophgetter has to heard that salvation is by grace alone. and in order for he and you to get on track with correct interpretaion for the correct application (i.e.Historical, Spritual and Doctrinal) TODAY, you need to rightly divide.

no one has been pretentious in their own understanding. we learn form better men and is so doing we grow. And all our this included all helps to you and gophgetter were done in love for you, the other veiwers and posters, and for the love of the word of God.

again you better reflect on your own heart Proverbs 17:20 He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: you never find any good only hatred, stone throwing, pretentious understandings, arrogance, pride, boastfulness etc...

We can safely say your heart is not right in more than one way Stephanos.

and further more Renee is very Strong in the scriptures and more able to teach sound doctrine than you are. so pay her some respect and stop talking down to her and stop slamming the rest of us.
I saw a lot of good all over these forums when I first got here. That is before you made it your agenda to attack my every post. I've tried MY BEST to calm things as they have progressed lately. I've tried to tell YOU to back off and to respect that I don't agree with you. Have you ever noticed that I don't try to convert you away from what I believe is your wrong divisions? Please leave me alone Chette. Is that plain enough for you? I will listen to the dispensational rhetoric from everyone else, just not you anymore. Are we clear? I won't attack you and your view of Scripture, if you could be so kind to do the same. Is that fair enough?

I think I should share something else. Today I decided to check out your website. I really was amazed to read your story, and to see the picture of you and your family. It truly helped me to have a face to go along with the name. You look like a reasonable man that I could sit and have a discussion with face to face. Yet, my brother, we cannot do so here. Why is that Chette? Is it the distance between us that creates this conflict? How can we resolve this? I can't continue to have to explain myself over and over again like I'm having to do lately. I work full time brother, and have few moments in the evening to do my prayer and bible studies, and even those have been affected by these discussions. Sometimes I wish I could introduce you to my dear friend and mentor, brother David Burkholder, the bishop of the Eastern Pennsylvannia Mennonite congregation I fellowship with. I think you would be in for a rude awakening to find out what we Conservative Mennonite are really about. Granted you are a knowledgable guy and we certainly could learn from you. But unfortunately this would have to be a two way street. Relationships don't work when one person is always the authority on something and the others have to listen or face threats and rebukes for every other thing they say.
Man I wish you realized how often I've read something I didn't see as fitting the teachings of the Holy Bible, and let go simply because it doesn't help anyone to nit pick on every little issue I find fault with.
You, in essence, called me ecumenical in this post. Brother, you couldn't be farther from the truth. What you fail to realize is that I want to see those I believe have faith in Christ Jesus, the Son of God, united behind the KJB, not divided on little things. That has always been my agenda. My whole goal in life is to inspire Christians to return to an unfailing love of the Word of God, the King James Bible. That's why I originally came to these forums. I'd spent time on a other forums and had been beaten down time and time again for my unfailing stance for the KJB. I had hoped to find as Paul puts a refreshing in my bowels in the Lord (Philemon 1:20) among others whose sole authority is the KJB. But this has not been the case lately, although it was in the beginning. Reading posts by Steven Avery and Bibleprotector really inspired me and created an even greater desire to be a light for the KJB on these dark internets.
I don't know where to go from here in all honesty. Chette, you've worn me out. I don't want to argue with you anymore, and really I don't want to ignore you either. I guess some would take that course of action, but that's just not my style, especially with a man of God such as yourself. Help me out here bro. I've made it clear that I don't agree with you, and that I don't want to argue with you. Are we going to let this issue be a division between us? This is not my desire...

for Jesus' sake,

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