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Old 08-24-2008, 10:13 PM
Scott Simons
Posts: n/a
Default Just How Bad Are Perversion Versions

Just How Bad Are Perversion Versions

The NIV, NKJV, AS, NAS, etc… just how bad are they? If they are not the word of God and are posing as the word of God, they must be another gospel and are perversions. The infections they impose on believers and seekers cause death and destruction. The Theocracy they are creating is no less than the worship of the Satan through the anti-Christ.
Christians we have been way to tolerate of these perversion versions and need to bear against them. They do not bring the gospel of Jesus Christ but a gospel of death. Their cunningly devise message are anti-Christ and as bewitching as it is, we need to stop tolerating them as acceptable and stand strong against them, expose them as what they are, perversions.
Otherwise as King James Bible defenders we are hypocrites. If you think people are being saved through version perversions then why should one care what bible people read?
Come on the truth is the truth lets stand up for it, and expose the lie. Time is running out.

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