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Old 08-24-2008, 06:43 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Default Meggido Films

I watched both part one and part two of Meggido. they are documentaries on Prophecy, occult and cult practices, end times and the One world order.

Lots of good info.

But only one fault I found with the films. they never show the church being raptured. They seem to have the church going through the Tribulation and they seem to hint that we are in someway already in the tribulation. This is minor though Because they are clear not to state the church will go through the tribulation either.

another thing is at the end of the first film they make reference to a letter written in 1871 that mentions Jews and Muslems in a third war. But at that time Israel was far from being a nation. the letter was dismissed by the British Museum as a fraud. they used the info to get your mind into the Israeli Palestinian conflict for the start of the 3rd world war. But as I said the letter was supposedly penned 40 years before WWI and the British occupation of Palestine. there is no way Satan or the illuminate knew anything about the Jews and Muslems in conflict over Palestine today in 1871.

They have some good and accurate stuff. J ust warn your people before watching it that we beleive the church shall be raptured before the Tribulation. And that the church going through Tribulation is a doctrine that has arose in more recent times among some groups of Christians.

enjoy them otherwise. As they are good to show to unbeleivers as a tool for evangelism.

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