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Old 08-21-2008, 01:51 AM
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Question Humanism within our churches

Why has many Born again, Bible believing, fundimental, churches stopped preaching repentance? I'm concerned, because without repentance there is no remission of sin.

Wasn't Saul driven to his knees by the Holy, Soverign God? Don't you think repentance was involved when God showed grace to Saul, and allowed him to come to the realization that He was sinning by "kicking against the pricks"? Through grace Paul was used of God in "His" ministry.

Humanism has crept into many churches, and has caused many to become false teachers. Humanistic salvation will send people to Hell. Some of these people truly believe they are saved, but if you watch, they are living religious lives trying to do things "of themselves" that only God can do through them.

Where is the Holy Spirit filled Christain?

A national from the Philipines was traveling our country. He attended a common American church missions confrence. Later that day at lunch, the pastor asked what he thought about American churches. The national replied,"its amazing how much American churches do without God."

Churches built on flesh only produce more flesh, but churches built through the Spirit produce Spirit filled believers.:

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