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Old 08-11-2008, 07:20 PM
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swordsman swordsman is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Savannah, Georgia
Posts: 38
Default Whose fault is it?

Hell everyone I have a question that I would like your take on...

Going door to door I meet a LOT of people and we discuss the scriptures, salvation etc..

This has happened to me too many times to count.

Go to someones house and discuss Christianity and here is how the discussion goes...

Q: What church do you attend?

A: Oh we attend so and so baptist church, we have been going there about 20 years.(smiling and making eye contact the whole time)

Q: Thats you are saved and you know you are going to heaven?

A; Oh yes we are saved and baptized, even taught Sunday school, been going there for about 20 years.(still smiling and eye contact is still on)

Q: Well its great to hear that its good to see someone faithful in the support of their church ( their smile broadens)

By the way can you tell me how to be saved?

A: ( eyes shift to the left...right...down..any direction but yours, smile went the way of the $2 bill)

Uh.....ummmm....welllll you have to be a good person...and um believe in Jesus Christ...and yes, yes go to church. I was baptized...I have been going every Sunday and Wednesday for 20 years.

Tentative smile, still no eye contact, feet shuffling and they make a break away to do something they forgot.

Out of talking to around 100 people ,maybe 2 can give a decent explanation on salvation and none have any knowledge of anything else except their "feelings".

Whose fault is it?

The church?
The church member?
The Pastor?
Lack understanding of their Bible?
Me for asking?

What do you think, I know I can not be the only one seeing this...

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