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Old 08-07-2008, 09:53 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Originally Posted by hamite1212 View Post
I use to be Pentecostal and I know for a fact that 99% of the spirits are "seducing spirits" and yet there are times healings do occur with even Baptism and etc. However, Pentecostals believe in wholesale healings and should any of them profess to have the "gifts" then let us all challenge them to take us to a large body of water and let us all see that person walk on water since the Bible says that they get all the gifts the Lord has. I know of good Christian Pentecostals and they truly love the Lord but most are in it for emotional feelings over feelings from the true Holy Spirit. When reading the Bible you don't get emotional because it's from the Lord Jesus Christ and that Bible is a mirror of what man and woman are. We're all sinful and by the way the healings, tongues and etc. that was done in the Bible there was a Jew around and Jews require a sign. However, I must caution anyone to make sure the gifts are taken with a grain of salt and at the same time pray if it is from God Himself. The Lord still does healings and so on but not at a wholesale level. I heard a Jewish saved Preacher who was good on this topic and what a preacher he is. I wish I could have gotten his name and website but I heard 75% of his sermon while driving and got out of range of the radio broadcast. When people put hands on you what if they have evil spirits in them? What's in them goes into you and Satan can heal because Judas cast out devils and healed and the Lord called him a devil.

Hope this helps
Indeed, the key is to always test the spirits to see if they are of God or not. Let us not get into a stife with those that practice false tongues, since Christ warned us of pulling up the tares within the wheat. As Jude writes And of some have compassion, making a difference, and others save with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. There are times we must know (this is when we should be instant in prayer to seek His wisdom) when to use compassion, and when to use fear to bring those that are wandering back into the fold. Let us do all things in humility, lest we be tempted also.

Much Love in Christ Jesus,

PS - I just wanted to add, that you can be certain that when we disciples of Christ Jesus take seriously the call to go and preach the word to all creatures that wonders and signs will follow. I was really moved by the Back To Jerusalem brethren at They've shared quite a few testamonies of miracles happening as they preach the Gospel in China and abroad. Amazing stuff. I can't stop thanking God! Hallelujah!

Last edited by stephanos; 08-07-2008 at 10:00 PM.

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