People who have a problem with a translation being infallible, I can agree with them except for one very important thing: The Bible isn't just "some book".
The author of THE BOOK is still alive and well and is quite able to preside over any translation of HIS BOOK. The folks who just take it upon themselves to make a translation of the Bible for whatever reason without the sanctioning of the Holy Ghost are people who's "shoes" I wouldn't want to be in when standing before God.
There are well over 300 English translations and they all say something different. They can't all be God's Word because God isn't the author of confusion nor does He contradict Himself.
Again I ask, if the AV1611 isn't God's infallible Word in English, then which one is? Name ANY English version of the Bible that has been used of God for as long as the KJB? Name any English version of the Bible that is so intimidating to the other English versions as the KJB? If God's Word is going to be the standard by which we are judged, why wouldn't God see to it we had access to it?