Originally Posted by George
On my web page I have nearly 90 Bible lessons (70+ are mine). I only have two lessons where I reprove and rebuke a so-called Bible believer by name (The so-called “Doctrine of Submission”) and Dr. Stewart Custer (The Truth about The King James controversy"). I have not been called by God to “correct” the body of Christ. My ministry has been one of Reconciliation (if possible – 2Corinthians 5:18); and Edification (Romans 15:2). I thank God that I wasn’t called to brother Ruckman’s ministry. I would have needed skin as thick as a rhinoceros to bear up under his load.
What is your web site?
My web site is:
I'm not here to promote my web page, but sometimes it is necessary to refer to it because there is not enough room on this Forum to present all of the "facts" pertaining to a particular issue.
Should you go there I hope that you will be informed and edified (I participate on this Forum to Inform; Edify; and Warn. And I hope that some of the brethren here will do the same for me)