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Old 04-10-2008, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Is this really what one needs to do to be saved? Do they need to actually be a disciple of Christ, by forsaking and following?
It's not always easy to put my thoughts down in a clear and concise way, so I thought I may have to do some fine tuning.

I believe Bible repentance means a turning to God and a change of mind toward God that results in a change of life. We are also told we must be born again of God, this will also result in a changed life. This changed life is evidence of a born again Christian. I'm not saying that you must first be a disciple of Christ before you can be saved. Once Christ justifies a sinner and they are saved, He will also sanctify the person and this will be a process.
Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Does a sinner really need to FORSAKE SIN first, then TURN?

Doesn't that wording eliminate the process of sanctification, and turn justification into works?
fine tuning my words. What I meant by forsake, (any maybe I used the wrong word??) is hate the old man, (the old sinful flesh). You have a change of mind re: your old way of sin and turn instead to follow the way of Jesus. and of course this is a process of sanctification. You are justified when you have the change of mind, (which leads to a change of life). Repentance and faith unto salvation is not works!!!!! It is the type of faith that saves! Remember the demons believe, yet perish.
Originally Posted by Luke View Post
I am not having a go at you, because I am sure you would deny that a sinner must forsake their sins to be saved, because that is a works gospel. But the wording there is quite confusing, and also not right.

Salvation is

TURN from unbelief to God in believing the Gospel. That's it.

Sanctification SHOULD follow salvation, whereby we repent of our sins as a continual process and become holier, and while this does prove our salvation in some sense (to the world), it does not save us.

God bless
No one is having a go at anyone. We are having a discussion. Hopefully it can remain that way???

I think you are missing something in regards to the Gospel. Man is a sinner. The man must acknowledge that he is a sinner otherwise why would he need a Saviour? So a person believes that Jesus died on the cross for sins, is that person saved?

In my experience in witnessing and sharing the Gospel, the lost do not acknowledge they are sinners, although they believe they are fine because Jesus died for the sins of the world. What's missing here? and please tell me the meaning of Luke 13:3

Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
In looking at the context of Luke ch 13, it is repentance of sin and particularly of the disbelief of the Messiah.

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