Originally Posted by Critical Thinking
It seems that Will Kinney is 'off limits' and above reproach in all matters... Are you implying this is an inerrant message board on the basis that it promotes the KJB?
No brother, it's not that we think Will is perfect, or that this is an "inerrant message board," ...trust me we all have our faults and we even slap EACH OTHER around from time to time. But looking at several of your recent posts it seems you are coming off as very "critical" for a new member, so you might want to settle down a little and get the "lay of the land" so to speak. Please understand, we get a lot of "smart alecks" and deceivers here which tend to be dealt with rather harshly. Look; Bro. Kinney is doing HIS best to present the case for the KJV, it seems you are doing YOUR best to detract from that. That won't fly here, I assure you. Chill out, take a deep breath and think about it before you proceed brother.