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Old 06-01-2009, 02:09 AM
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bibleprotector bibleprotector is offline
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1. God's Word is not only in English.

2. God's Word requires division between people who do not believe the Scripture and those who do believe.

3. God's Word is true in the KJB, whereas modern versions undermine various doctrines. The best and perfect form of the Bible today is the KJB.

4. God's Word is not the same as God Himself. It is His written will for mankind at this time. It is highly exalted, but the Bible is not God.

5. Belief in God's Word requires the reason and understanding of faith, and is entirely logical.

6. God's Word must be certain and knowable, and not merely in some misty or general form.

Yet for all this, the King James Bible was not inspired from 1604-1611. Will Kinney writes,

"God's words are like water in a vessel. If the same water is poured out into another vessel, even a vessel of a different shape and size, and there is no addition of foreign matter or subtraction of substance, it is the same water."

God is powerful enough to speak Hebrew, yet have those words written by inspiration in Greek, and then get those words to us today in the English tongue.

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