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Old 05-19-2009, 06:38 AM
biblereader's Avatar
biblereader biblereader is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 208
Default New Member here

Hello, and praise Jesus for this forum! I've been in several online "Christian" forums before, and all but one turned into a nest of snakes, so to speak.
I'm a KJV only woman, and have fought many spiritual battles with so MANY people who heartily disagree with KJV only people.
I came here for a variety of reasons, one, is to rest from the battle, strengthen myself, get closer to Jesus, and get armed and skilled in using my weapons of spiritual warfare. The battle never ends, and the battle is IN the churches now.
I can't find a decent KJV preacher in my city, which has about a million people in it! The preachers whom I've talked to, personally, are either homosexual, or think the bible is a book of fairy tales, or they don't believe in the infallibility of the bible, but think it's still a "good book". The booklets used in adult Sunday School are just as disappointing. IF they use KJV, they always put one of those ungodly translations right next to it, thus showing their approval of the hellish versions so widely used now.
So, here I am, and I hope to meet all of you. I also hope to add something of substance to conversations in here.

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