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Old 05-04-2009, 08:09 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 645

Posting on this forum is like stepping into a minefield. If words are not phrased a certain way, or paragraph breaks don't come at the right time, the sharks circle and heresy hunting begins in earnest
Where in my reply about you "correcting" by inserting the "greek" word over the "english" word did I label YOU a heretic?
Why would we here in this forum wish to discuss the meaning of the Greek words when we have all the words of God in the Bible preserved in english?
I am not a smart or educated man by any means, I cannot read or write in Greek nor can I read or write in Hebrew but I do KNOW that I have no need to revert to Greek nor Hebrew to understand what God has preserved for me in English. To do so and imply "The Greek" says this or "The Greek" means this would make me a "Bible corrector" and as the Lord allows me to live and breathe in this life I will never "correct" what he has preserved for me IN ENGLISH!
Call me a shark circling indeed if you wish to pursue correcting or questioning the English with "The Greek" for I will vehemently defend Gods preserved word in English against anyone who try's to change or challenge the meaning of "one" word via "The Greek".

Again please show me exactly where I, labeled YOU a Heretic?

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