Originally Posted by George
Tonybones reply:
Aloha brother Tony,
Just for your information: freesundayschoollessons (FSSL) Joined the AV1611 Bible Forums on May 11, 2008 and posted his first (controversial) Thread - “The words "baptism" and "church" in the KJV” (http://av1611.com/forums/showpost.ph...19&postcount=1). On his very first day on the Forum he was “confrontational” (in a “NICE” {PC} way – of course!) and argumentative.
FSSL claimed: “I am here to "get inside your minds." I have no grand illusions of persuading you. I want to learn why you are KJVOnly. ”, but the whole time he was here (until he was banned) he kept “baiting” anyone who would engage him in conversation with Sophistical arguments and “word games” (While all the time displaying his superior knowledge of the “Which Bible” issue).
The man is a perfect example of a “SOPHIST” {2 Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.} and never learned a thing the whole time he was here – BUT we “learned” a whole lot about him and his pernicious ways!
FSSL posted 4 Threads & 85 Posts while he was on the AV1611 Forums; if you care to review any of his clever, subtle, malicious, destructive, and malignant comments, you can find them here: http://av1611.com/forums/member.php?u=227
Trying to reason with a “ SOPHIST” is an EXERCISE IN FUTILITY!
Proverbs 26:12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.
George, thank you for the links. I read the threads, and it's just echoes of parrotings I've heard over the years in person, in schools, churches, and on the web. I agree we need to not make this issue our only ministry. Personal evangelism is our main job. Reading Jaqui's testimony only redoubles my desire to...discuss the issue, shall we say?
Thank you brother, your website rocks too
Grace and peace