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Old 04-17-2009, 01:34 PM
cliffordsndrs451 cliffordsndrs451 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 14
Default Prayer clarification.

I was looking for a little input regarding work. Until the Lord opens another door so I can indeed spend more time with my family. Work has taken an interesting turn. By the grace of God, I am still with the same company for almost 5 years now, and my personal testimony and witness has been strong at work. I am an independent OTR driver so I have only limited contact with the owner in a small company (45 employees). The owner's wife is dying of cancer and he has taken the opportunity for an illicit affair with a younger woman - I don't have any absolute knowledge nor do I really want any. He never talks to me like "one of the guys" and whenever I am in the office, the conversation always changes to just business. I certainly don't want it any other way since we are in this world and not of it. I treat him with respect as a business owner and my employer.

My question was about prayer for him and his company. I do pray for his salvation and for the business to do well in these economic times. My internal conflict is growing though and I have a hard time when I see his actions. Jesus taught us that we need to pray for those in authority over us and I know I should NEVER stop praying. I've seen his business deteriorate since his wife got sick and he hired this new employee. It seems to be spreading and I was thinking that perhaps God is beginning to take a more active role in his personal well being.

I seem to have a harder time separating my desire for his well being with my repulsion at his actions. I know we need to subordinate everything to the will of God. I think it would be wrong not to pray for him or his company. Many other workers are involved in his success.

I know that whatever God chooses to do, it will work out fine for me - it always does. His promises in Romans 8.28 has never failed me.

My boss is very careful around me and I know he relies on me to do my job and have bailed him out may times with loads he could not cover, but I also have personal responsibility to my family and ...

Does anyone have any suggestions - I know I don't fit in and of course I never will. Over the last 35 years (salvation) I know that will never happen.

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