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Old 04-14-2009, 01:43 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 754

[QUOTE=George;18099]Aloha brother Tony,

Before you waste very much time with "Jordan", you should review his previous "Threads: & "Posts" to see "WHERE he is coming from" and to get "a handle" on WHAT kind of person he is. WATCH OUT for the "GOTCHA" - this young man doesn't have an honest or sincere BONE in his entire body! {Check out his website - It's all about JORDAN!}

Brother, you "can bet your bottom dollar" that Jordan already knows about Origen, and is just going to "play along" or "string you along" (and others) until he sees the right moment to "pounce" and display his cunning craftiness for all to see (once again).

You're a good soldier for Christ brother George. Your desire that all come to the knowledge of the truth is sincere and like all of us, we want everyone to be aware of the truth. I thank you for this message.

I've dealt with many teens, I used to be one. If you judge me by my taste in cars and my love for Gibson and Fender guitars, I'm still 22. when I got my Swordsearcher in the mail, I was like a kid on Xmas morning and spent 4 somewhat sleepless days learning it, so much so that I forgot the difference between Origen and Eusebius I just don't see Jordan as a knowing agent of Satan and Zondervan Press is all. He's a young man and I know it takes patience. My Dad used to say, don't beat a dog for being a dog. I don't think you can scourge a teen for being a teen and having questions. You probably don't know this but I held the fort against a gentleman goes by the ID of Robycop3 in all the anti-KJV forums. Tim knows Roby. I ain't had the pleasure of meeting Ransom yet, I hear he is worse than Roby. He should make me a good breakfast too. You have to boil tough meat in water first before you fry it. Sometimes teens seek self esteem in taking on their elders. When I was Jordan's age and before, I taught guerrilla war to men twice my age and sometimes three times. I'm a bit hard to sneak up on. Last time I got ambushed was when I lost everything I owned and worked for in my life in an estate theft BY the state, a judge, and 2 lawyers because I believed in truth, justice, and the American Way. I assure you that will never happen again. One of the lawyers was supposed to have been working for ME.

If Jordan has any questions and wants to direct them to me, I'll be glad to answer them to the best of my ability. None of us are born Christians, God don't have any grandchildren. None of us are born with the knowledge of how to get through day to day life encoded in our DNA. We learn to look both ways crossing a street if we have been run over a few times. Jordan wants to express himself like 4 billion others on the web. His site is a lot tamer than many MYSPACE sites I have seen. If a person comes to this forum and baits people for a laugh, that's their deficit, not the forum's. If I lose through patience I'd rather do that than win with a steamroller, because I haven't really won anything. I'd rather err on the side of long-suffering.

So Jordan, what would you like to talk about dude?

Grace and peace


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