Doctrine Discussion about matters of the faith.

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Old 03-18-2009, 11:37 PM
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Default Doctrine First, Typology Last

For twelve years of preaching and Bible teaching, one problem I see in Bible interpretation (even among Bible believers) is this:

Trying to fit doctrine into typology

It ought not be. We need to get the plain statement and plain doctrine first of all, before getting any typological applications.

This is the practice I observe all over the Bible, especially whenever Jesus uses parables. There are times that the figure doesn't fit the literal, but Jesus Himself gives the interpretation.

For example, in Matthew 13, Jesus said the "FOWLS" (plural) is that "wicked ONE" (singular).

In one verse, He said that the "SEED" is the Word of God, yet in another verse, He said that the "SEED" is the children of the kingdom.

Now, in the issue being discussed in the thread "Body or Bride", a lot of Bible Believing Baptists err in that they try to fit the figure into plain doctrine. These problems will be eliminated if we simply believe the Bible "as it says it, where it says it".

If Ephesians tells me that the Church is as a "wife", I believe it.
If Revelation tells me that the "wife" is the "Holy City, New Jerusalem", I believe it.

If 2 Corinthians tells me that the church is "as a virgin", I believe it.
If Matthew 25 tells me that the KINGDOM is likened to "ten virgins", I believe it.

If Romans 7 tells me that we are "married" to Christ, I believe it.
If Isaiah tells me that Israel will be "married", too, I believe it.

The key here is CONTEXT.
Is the passage talking about the Church? or the Kingdom?
Is the passage talking about the Body? or a City?

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