I just had to sit through a chapel service at school. I remembered today why I stopped going.
Rev. Ann Thompson (
) gave the "talk". It was about how god (I use little g, her god is not my God) is calling the churches to live peacably with his creation, and how this is god's will for our lives. She quoted Genesis 1, from the "Ann Thompson" version, which removed every single reference to day, and added in day 5 being good, despite God not saying that it was. Then she talked about some "walk for life" for 10 minutes, which is some environmental rubbish. My whole school is turning into an environmental circus. I felt like standing up and saying "this is all well and good, but I think God cares more about your soul than his earth, since he BURNS IT UP in Revelation 20". I need to get a Bible study started here or something. It's something I have been praying about for a while. I am in good favour with the principal, so I need to speak to her about it.