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Old 03-08-2009, 06:03 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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It is not about believing me do you believe Gods word in Romans 13?

I like Kent as a guy he is nice and smart. But he broke the law by not deducting income tax from his employees checks and submitting it to the IRS. then failed to send out W2's and 1040'2.

They transacted transferred money without reporting it to the IRS. The IRS could have gone further and charged him with Money Laundering. It was the same technique used by syndicate when hiding drug and smuggled merchandise money. Move the money around like in a shell game. It is illegal. the IRS used bank documents to prove their case. Kent Hovind had the wrong counsel on those issues.

I have a friend an ex pastor who spent 3 years in A Florida Jail for the same charges.He will tell what he did was followed someone else advice and not the Law. He admitted to guilt under ignorance and had to pay the taxes and serve time. He wanted to kill that elder who believed in Gary De Mar's group who tells pastors not to pay taxes.

None of us were there to verify if Kent did make threats or not so I never touched that. But I do know this it doesn't take much to get the IRS to do stuff like that if they feel threatened.

It doesn't matter who you seek counsel from you better find out the facts for yourself cause you will be the one held responsible not the counselors

I have been there and Know what I am talking about also. I had to show my income for 10 years when the IRS finally got around to me. after it was all said and done. I owed nothing. the lesson learned even if you owe nothing file your tax forms yearly. the feds are not so much into it but Virginia is and they reported me as a State tax dodger and so the IRS had to investigate. the lady at the Richmond Virginia tax office was left giving more explanations to the IRS than I. Virginia had to remove and restore my credit after they had sent collection agencies after me to collect taxes I didn't owe.

if you want to know the truth on employees of a "not for profit organization". which is just the same as any organization when it come to employees. Get a copy of "Church and clergy Tax Guide" updated every year or visit the IRS web site and research for yourself.

he admits he failed to follow the law in deducting taxes from his employees checks and then filing W2's or 1040's. for seventeen years they did not deduct employees taxes so they should of at least filed 1040's to protect themselves. the oversight by the IRS was that they had thought their employees were getting 1040's and paying their own taxes. that turned out not to be the case. They probably would have went for more years had no body looked and found out.

the point being the US IRS Governing Authority was not being obeyed by this man for over 17 years. For seventeen years he was in sin and definitely not blameless as a Christian Leader. He may have been ignorantly innocent but ignorance is no excuse.

Stephen, you may feel the Government has no right but they are the governing Authority we are to obey. they have laid down laws that need to be followed. especially because God tells us too. those taxes are Caesar and we are to give unto Caesar what is his and God what is his. Kent definitely did the later but he didn't do render unto Caesar.

it doesn't matter whether you or Kent or Gary De Marr feel the government violates the constitution they have the laws set already your duty as a Christian is to obey. i know it seems tough but God will honor a man who will follow God's word even to that mans own hurt.

Last edited by chette777; 03-08-2009 at 06:09 AM.

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