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Old 03-11-2008, 06:53 PM
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George George is offline
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Location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
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Default Re: Peter S. Ruckman – Crackpot or Crusader?

Aloha all,

Re: Peter S. Ruckman – Crackpot or Crusader?

From my last post on Peter Ruckman:

“I have noticed that there is one thing that this King James Bible Forum has in common with some others that I have seen - and that is a tendency on the part of some members (Bible believers to be sure) to dissociate or distance themselves from, or even criticize and tear down brother Peter Ruckman.

I also have noticed that many, if not most, of the negative comments that I read were based on "hearsay". So - before I make my comments I have 3 (three) questions to ask of any and all of those who have commented.

#1. Have you ever read any of the many books, commentaries, booklets, pamphlets, etc. that brother Ruckman has written? (And if so - how many? You don't have to list the names just the number -I'll trust you to be honest and truthful).

#2. Have you ever heard any of Peter Ruckman's numerous preaching and teaching tapes? (If so - how many? You don't have to list the names just the number -I'll trust you to be honest and truthful).

#3. Have you ever actually met brother Ruckman or been at any of his meetings where he has either preached or taught the word of God? (If so - where and when? I'll trust you to be honest and truthful).”

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

As promised earlier, I will answer the three questions that I posed to Forum.

#1. I read almost all of brother Ruckman’s Commentaries & Books, and most of his Booklets, Pamphlets, and numerous articles from 1968 up until 1988. From 1988 up to 2004 I hardly read anything of his until a good Christian friend moved from California to Kauai with many of brother Ruckman’s later books. I have borrowed about six of his books since then. (Including brother Ruckman's auto-biography)

#2. From 1969 Until 1975 I accumulated almost all of his Bible Class (School) material (approximately 2000 hours on Reel to Reel tape) and listened to most of the lessons. At the same time I also acquired approximately 100 preaching (cassette) tapes by him.

#3. In 1973 I moved (temporarily) from Kauai to Oahu to build a building for Koolau Baptist Church. During the summer of 1973 brother Ruckman came to Oahu for a week of meetings. Every day he taught Bible and Bible history for at least 3 hours in the morning and held preaching services every night. He spent more time with my family than he did with anyone else. We ate lunch together (he loves Chinese food) and several times after the preaching service we would play tennis (12;00 a.m. at night). I never “pumped” him; or “badgered” him; or “doted” on him; or called him” Doctor” or “Pastor”; most of the time we talked about Hawaii, the people, the food, the fishing, etc. He probably spent more time with our children, especially our oldest daughter (Naomi – 8 years old at the time), than he did with me.

You could have labeled me a “Ruckmanite” from about 1969 through 1975 and not been that far from the truth, although I have never blindly followed any man (not even when I was lost).

I have given this personal testimony because I believe that, given the above information, I am as qualified to judge or comment about brother Ruckman and his teachings and his doctrine, at least as well as anyone in this Forum.

In addition to the above information I have three close Christian friends that have visited brother Ruckman in Pensacola, Florida and attended his school for awhile and know some details of his personal life.

First, his marriages: In 1972 brother Bob Lescelious (Baptist pastor) came to the Anahola Baptist church on Kauai and taught for a week. Later on in the year brother R. E. (Dusty) Rhoades (Evangelist) and preached for a week. Both of these men personally knew brother Ruckman. And after inquiry, and in private, before several men of the church, both men testified (at separate times) that they believed that brother Ruckman’s 1st. wife was Demon Possessed! (Remember he married her BEFORE he was saved). And they both testified that she abandoned him and forced an acrimonious divorce on him.

In regards to his 2nd. wife, I rely on the testimony of my three friends that visited brother Ruckman at Pensacola and attended his school (one friend in particular kept in touch with some of the men involved the ministry there for over 17 years.). After about 10 years - Brother Ruckman married the sister of his assistant pastor and his father-in-law ran his Bookstore. After about 14 years his wife ran away with a cop from the congregation and abandoned him. In addition to that tragedy, the assistant pastor (his brother-in-law) ran away with about 1/3 of the congregation and there is some question about his father-in-law possibly misusing funds from the Bookstore (since brother Ruckman cares little about financial matters).

The question of whether brother Ruckman should serve as a pastor I leave up to the Lord. I just thank God (having been married to the same woman for 47 years) that I never have had to go through such an experience as he has. The fact is that the divorce rate among “Christians” in America is nearly as high as unbelievers, since most American Christians are so shot through with Humanism & Psychiatry & Psychology that they can’t discern between good and evil and have so little understanding and wisdom that they no longer are willing to obey God’s commandment concerning marriage (Matthew 19:6 & Mark 10:9).
{ Romans 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.}

Next, brother Ruckman’s “attitude” and “harsh” language in his writings. First off: Everyone I know who have known him and been around him say that he is not like his writings (2Corinthians 10:10). Second: I can testify that in all of the books and tapes that I have read and heard almost all of brother Ruckman’s invective and harsh criticism is reserved for one class of people – Bible Critics & Correctors (Lost or Saved). And admittedly that criticism is at times extremely tough. In our PC Humanistic culture this kind of an attitude is frowned upon and generally put down as “unloving” or “divisive”.

Of course one has to remember that brother Ruckman lived a “full life” before he got saved at 27 years of age. He says that he has read on average “a book a day” for most of his life. He has been a drummer in a dance band; a disc jockey on the radio; and most importantly – during World War II he was an Infantry Combat Instructor. In other words, as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army he taught young Americans going off to war in the Pacific Theater how to KILL the enemy! You might ask – why is this so important? The answer is quite simple: As a soldier, who taught other soldiers, brother Ruckman knew the value of a time warn truth in war – “often times the best DEFENSE is an OFFENSE!” (The United States has not won a war since World War II because our politicians and many leaders in the Armed Forces no longer believe in this maxim.)

Why is this so important? Because from 1881 (RV) until the early 1960’s many men have “stood in the gap” {Ezekiel 22:30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.} and were not very successful in stemming the tide of unbelieving “scholarship”; among them:

John W. Burgon, Edward Miller, F. H. Scrivener, Herman Hoskier, Bishop Wordsworth, Canon Cook, Sir Robert Anderson, Philip Mauro, Joseph C. Philpot, George Sayles Bishop, Benjamin C. Wilkinson, Robert Dick Wilson and Edward F. Hills, etc.

J. J Ray, Terence H. Brown, Henry Coray, Zane C. Hodges, Alfred Martin, David Otis Fuller, David Fountain, Gordon P. Gardiner, Wilbur N. Pickering, Donald T. Clarke, Bruce Cummins, Dick Cimino, Barry Burton, Perry F. Rockwood, , Billy Bartlett, Larry Bartlett, Herbert Noe, William P. Grady, and Michael Maynard, etc.

Most of these men were academicians – NOT SOLDIERS! God needed a Soldier to fight this battle and take it to the enemy. (Another German like Martin Luther, who was not known for being “sweet” and “loving”, but who broke the back of the Roman Catholic Church’ s strangle hold on all of Europe).

Practically all of the men listed above tried to stem the tide and were largely unsuccessful because they were unwilling to expose the pride and the prejudice of the Bible critics. They were unwilling to “take it to the enemies of God” (just like our modern day politicians are unwilling to take it to the enemy.)

Brother Ruckman has exposed the Bible critics for what they are – hypocrites, sophists, and prideful scribes that have no fear of God, and who will not hesitate to “correct” His Holy Scriptures whenever and wherever they please. (And he has made no allowances or excuses for “Christian” Bible critics, just because they are saved). And for “standing in the gap” he has paid a tremendous price – the criticism, shunning, and rejection of many so-called KJVO believers who have no idea as to what God has wrought through this man and his ministry.

And now to brother Ruckman’s Doctrine and “peculiar teachings”: After all of the preaching and teaching that I have either heard or read of brother Ruckman’s, I can truthfully testify, namely that he is circumspect about distinguishing between what he says is Clear Bible Doctrine and any speculation on his part. He does not “mix” his speculation with Bible Doctrine. He is extremely careful to point out which is which.

However, it would be real easy to lift “quotes” from his books, etc. (out of context) and “prove” that he is a “kook”, IF someone were dishonest enough not to distinguish between what he teaches as true Bible Doctrine and those things he “thinks” may be true. (See Stewart Custer's booklet - BJU)

The following is my personal testimony in regards to Peter Ruckman and his ministry: I was saved in 1958 (age 18) from reading a King James Bible (for the first time). From 1958 up to 1968 I attended various churches (searching for the truth) – Plymouth brethren; Independent Bible; Congregational; Assembly of God; Southern Baptist; and Independent Baptist. I was handed a “Philip’s Bible & an Amplified (by the brethren) – both of which I never took to. In all of the rest of the churches not one pastor, assistant pastor, Sunday school teacher, etc., (church leaders all) ever taught me about the Bible issue or how to study the Bible.

That is, in ten years, outside of some preaching and a little “Denominational” teaching, the only person who taught me anything about the Bible was a little old Japanese man (brother Fukushima - an ordinary Christian) who was dying of stomach cancer and who introduced me to Dispenstional Teaching and Charts in his home in Kapaa, Kauai for a few months before he died. And then:

In 1968 I started reading Peter Ruckman’s books. He was the first man to introduce the issue of which Bible to me. I didn’t just accept his word – I checked him out and after hundreds of hours of study and research I and found out that he was telling the truth. The issue of FINAL AUTHORITY became clear in my heart and my mind and I have never wavered from believing in the King James Bible being the final authority for God’s people in this age of apostasy.

Also, after having read “The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdom of Heaven” (Now called “The Sure Word of Prophecy”) and a couple of his Commentaries (Primarily – Matthew) I learned how to “rightly divide the word of truth”.

The scorecard up to this time: Various churches and pastors, etc. = 0. Brother Fukushima & brother Ruckman = 3.

Since 1968 my wife and I have been ostracized from several churches (always by the church leaders/”pastors” – never by a congregation) and it has taken me a long time (too long) to accept God’s will and realize that in this age of apostasy - false teachers and teachers having itching ears are going to wax bolder and bolder and that it is my duty to stand in the gap, and testify to my Saviour, and to God’s goodness, and to His Holy word, and to His coming again - come what may.

To those who criticize and castigate brother Ruckman – a word of warning: WHAT IF? What if God has called brother Ruckman to the ministry to break the backs of the Bible critics? God uses sinful men, flawed and imperfect, to do His will. He even used Pagan Kings to fulfil His will (Darius) and called some of them His “Servant” (Nebuchadnezzar & Cyrus).

On my web page I have nearly 90 Bible lessons (70+ are mine). I only have two lessons where I reprove and rebuke a so-called Bible believer by name (The so-called “Doctrine of Submission”) and Dr. Stewart Custer (The Truth about The King James controversy"). I have not been called by God to “correct” the body of Christ. My ministry has been one of Reconciliation (if possible – 2Corinthians 5:18); and Edification (Romans 15:2). I thank God that I wasn’t called to brother Ruckman’s ministry. I would have needed skin as thick as a rhinoceros to bear up under his load.

We have got to get to the point where we Christians recognize each other’s callings and talents – and unless there is clear sin involved, we got to stop criticizing each other and each other’s ministries and devouring one another.

{ Romans 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.}

Let me state for the record: I am not a Ruckmanite, I follow no man; I regard no man above another, (after all we are all brethren), and have stopped using “Titles” or calling men “pastor” or anything else used to elevate men. I follow the Lord Jesus Christ; I am a Bible believing Christian trying to follow my Lord according to His Holy Scriptures.

Psalms 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.

Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

I would be happy to answer any of your questions if I can.

Yours for the Lord Jesus Christ and for His word,

George Anderson
. . . . yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, . . . . Romans 3:4

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