I'm afraid you all have completely misunderstood me. I said that anyone who claims to be speaking the Scriptures, and yet cannot say that what he holds is 100% perfect and given by inspiration is lying, and I am not speaking of those on this forum who hold the King James Bible to be perfect. There is no need to be offended of defensive: I'm talking of others who don't really believe what they hold is perfect, and yet tell their congregations that they are speaking the words of God.
Inspiration is simply the work of the Holy Spirit upon someone: Paul, Peter, John, and others were inspired by God to wrote the words that He spoke to them through the Holy Spirit. If He inspired those imperfect men to write His perfect words, then why would it be a stretch to believe that He inspired the King James translators to write His perfect words as well? That's all I'm saying: God inspired imperfect men to write His perfect words. That is what inspiration is, pure and simple: He inspires men, not words: the Scriptures are "given by inspiration" and therefore perfect and infallible and eternal.