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Old 12-29-2008, 04:49 AM
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PB1789 PB1789 is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Alaska, USA
Posts: 172

Hello Bill. Welcome to the Boards. A few suggested readings for you:

There is a book written by a U.R.C. ordained gent named Michael Horton. "What's so Amazing about Grace ?"

Next--- Ask your Pastor, or one of the Deacons for a copy of the "3 Forms of Unity".

Get a copy of "The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" by L. Boettner.

Look for "The Sovereignty of God" by A.W. Pink.

There are sections about Predestination-Sin-Regeneration-Faith (and many other things) in a book titled "Systematic Theology" by Louis Berkhof.

After you have read those and have kept reading your Bible and praying... then put on your seatbelt and Helmet and get a copy of "The Holiness of God" by R.C. Sproul.... { I wanted to hide under the chair after reading about half of that book--- the "World" says "I'm OK-You're OK",,, not according to The Lord God on High! God is Love, but He is also the thrice Holy God!}

... Then, when you get some more $ in your wallet (or break your piggy bank) , get Sproul's book titled: "Saved from What ?"

These will help you to Think and Ponder and Dwell upon the deep things mentioned in Scripture. Just as "Christian" in Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" did when he left The City of Destruction and made his way along the path to "The Celestial City"... The Christian Walk is not easy and there are many things along the way that are beyond our understanding... But, we are told to stay on "The Path"! John 14:6 !

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