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Old 12-28-2008, 12:24 PM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a
Default Dinosaurs


I have no problem with dinosaurs.
There is room for different views here, some believe all dinosaurs were destroyed during the flood, (there is much fossil evidence for flood related dino-deaths), others believe eggs or young were carried on the ark and survived the flood, only to later become extinct at the hands of men—who called them "dragons." The Bible uses ancient names like "Behemoth” and “tannin.” (Job 40:15-19) The word dinosaur was not heard until the 1800's. At any rate, here a few items you may enjoy from my archives about dinosaurs...

70 million-year-old fossil yields preserved blood vessels. Tissue fragments from a Tyrannosaurus rex femur are shown at left, when it is flexible and resilient and when stretched (arrow) returns to its original shape. The middle photo shows the bone after it is air dried. The photo at right shows regions of bone showing fibrous character, not normally seen in fossil bone.

Are they really that old?
If they survived the flood, dinosaurs would have come under increasing pressure from hunters and weather changes—many believe Earth's atmosphere after the flood was changed quite a bit. They were killed out of fear and for food, just like many other large animals down through history. Remember, God has a "master plan"—but that includes allowing men to pretty much handle things on Earth as stewards of the natural world. Men have driven many species to extinction, not just the dinosaurs. Amazingly, scientists (Mary Higby Schweitzer of North Carolina State University) have now found T-Rex bones with blood and soft tissue still present—providing strong evidence to suggest they were on the Earth far more recently than some care to admit. Take a look, they certainly don't look 70 millon years old to me:

More recently, it appears another team has retrieved similarly unfossilized dinosaur bone from Alaska's Colville River in the Liscomb Bone Bed. The team reported that some of these bones are petrified and some are unpetrified or unfossilized, see here:

Evidence for Men and Dinosaurs together?
There is a lot of speculation here, but there are references to dragons in the Bible, and people fighting with dragons throughout European writings and artwork, Marco Polo wrote of the Chinese training dragons, and there is evidence suggesting that dragons or dinosaurs may have been seen by Anasazi Indians in North America at the first link below, related info at bottom:

The so-called Taylor Trail of the Paluxy River in Glen Rose Texas, has been hotly debated over the years. Some creationists have insisted that during the 1960's and 70's it once showed a detailed series of 14 sequential, fossilized human-like footprints on the same sediment platform with at least 134 dinosaur tracks. Of course evolutionists have their own interpretation on this, and much of this evidence has been reported as either naturally eroded indistinct metatarsal dinosaur tracks (see Paleo link below) or simply fakes. Some creationists, such as Ken Ham, have also suggested the tracks are not human, and yet others (Dr. Don Patton) insist the original stratum was destroyed by erosion and disturbed evolutionists with a crow bar, but you can still see what are claimed to be the remarkable series of un-retouched original photos from the 1970's here. Patton claims these images were taken before the two men who attended his presentation destroyed them with an iron bar, the high resolution photos appear to show all five toes, instep and clearly defined heel, take a look and decide for yourself:

The American Sioux Indians have long described the so-called "Thunder Bird" in their culture and history, and always draw it as strangely similar to the pterosaur Pteranodon. There is also a very good bas-relief picture of what appears to be a stegosaurus in the ruins of Angkor outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia:

Komodo's "dragons" were not documented by Europeans until 1910

I think believers should keep an open mind about dinosaurs, as I say, I have no problem with them, and as time goes on we may learn more about them and exactly when they existed. I think it is dangerous to be dogmatic on some things, after all---It was once held that mammoths and mastodons became extinct 30,000 to 40,000 years ago. However, when flint spear points were found in mammoth bones, the evolutionist scientific community had to concede reluctantly that these animals were actually being hunted in America by humans:

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