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Old 12-24-2008, 06:27 PM
Rolando Rolando is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 75

Bump. Rolando... You still out there ?
Yes I am brother and sorry I didn't answer sooner (I didn't know you were expecting a reply). It's Christmas Eve right and I'm about to get ready to meet my family.

The Christmas hymns are full of great Christology/Theology. I'd suggest you go over to a website and look/listen at the words to sing “Hark the Herald Angels-Glory to the new born King" and many others in the Christmas section. "Oh little town of Bethlehem" , "Angels we have heard on high".
I went over Hark the Herald and I got to say I now love this carol and have been singing over and over. Anyway as for the Christmas Church service, I kind of already went a few days ago and the Church I attend has the day off tommorrow and I really don't feel very comfortable going to different churches (having gone out of a counterfeit church myself). Anyway, this year will be best Christmas so far in my life because I'm now a born again believer of the Lord Jesus Christ. I got an undeserving gift (eternal life) from GOD and, what more could I ask?

BTW--- Many will tell you that Jesus wasn't born on Dec. 25th... So what! Remember the Saviour's Birth and tell folks "Merry Christmas"! Irritate a liberal and the nearby atheist, and the J.W.'s. Revelation 5:12
I kind of been doing and have seen some confused expressions from some. Anyway, Merry Christmas to you and all my other brothers and sisters in Christ.

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