12-17-2008, 05:22 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 462
Hi Folks,
Originally Posted by Will Kinney
By the way, Steve, your posts about Edhersheim (sp) were quite interesting. Thanks for all the research you do.
Thanks, Will. I enjoyed getting a more complete understanding of Edersheim's strengths and weaknesses on the Greek OT. Sometimes we are dealing very much with a "mixed bag" - a bunch of truth and insight (Edersheim understanding the Hebrew Torah scroll usage of Isaiah in Luke 4, Edersheim being very clear about Greek OT major deficiencies) combined with a bunch of mishegas (Edersheim buying into the Greek OT as being the source for Jesus and the apostles). This type of internally conflicted stance about the Bible is now almost normal .. outside the King James Bible defenders.