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Old 12-15-2008, 06:21 AM
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Default An observation: "Sprinkle" and "Washing" vs. "Baptism"

(This if my fourth consecutive post. )

Looking at the versus above, the words "sprinkle" and "washing" are found in the New Testament.

"Baptism", however, can nowhere be found in the Old Testament. "Baptism" is a New Testament concept that began with John THE BAPTIST. He was the sent "to baptize", and the FIRST one to baptize.

In my observation, it appears that John's and Peter's baptism have the same meaning (and mode):

Mode: Baptism WITH water (picturing the baptism WITH the Holy Ghost and WITH fire)
Meaning: Baptism of repentance FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS ("when the times of refreshing shall come", Acts 3:19)

Paul's baptism, I believe, is unique (since he is unique apostle with a unique message to a unique body of people)

Mode: Baptism INTO water (picturing our Salvation, Position, and Gospel)
Meaning: Baptism BY one Spirit INTO the body of Christ, our being "buried into Christ", as well as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ

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