Hi pbiwolski,
THANK YOU. Finally someone, after 9 pages in this thread, acknowledges my question of authority. However, either you don't quite understand the point, so I have problems seeing how your answer makes sense:
The authority for the claim is chiefly the same authority for any truth - the Authorized King James Bible, Amen!
But the KJV
doesn't tell us that the KJV is the final authority. Therefore, that claim comes from somewhere else. What is that something else, and does that something else have real authority?
The authority is The Authority.
That's the shortest circular argument I've ever seen.
It really is as simple as this - there is NO PROVEN ERROR within the text of the Authorized King James Bible. You cannot and will not find one credible fault with that Book. Because we have found and proven this to be absolutely true, it is plain to the King James Bible believer that that Book is holy - the holy Bible. This can be said of no other book found on our planet today (finding fault with every other version is elementary - pretty soon my son will be able to do it ).
You prove an error in the Book we believe, and we will all change our minds.
What's the criteria? What would constitute "proof" for you? Can it be consistently applied?
God bless,