Hi Brian. Thank you for at least being up front about the fact that you do not believe in the inerrancy of the Holy Bible.
Quote:"So yes, I 'deny the doctrine of an inerrant Bible composed of 66 books as having ever existed and certainly not now'". I deny that doctrine, because that doctrine is not found in the Bible."
Originally Posted by BrianT
However, I see that Brandplucked said of Gen 41:56 "Well the NASB, NKJV, RV, ASV, ESV, NIV, 1917, 1936 all translated it the same way as the KJB." He says similar about Jeremiah 50:11. I will try to provide more legitimate ones at a future date, but his comment indicates that he agrees that the KJV does follow the LXX over the Masoretic in at least these two instances - which was what he asked for."
Brian, this is absurd. Here you have listed even a couple of JEWISH translations (the JEWISH Publication Society's 1917, and the HEBREW Publishing Company's 1936, and the previously not mentioned Judaica Press Tanach) all of which translated this phrase as "storehouses". This is not a matter of "following the LXX" at all, but rather is a legitimate translation from the Hebrew. By the way, your LXX does NOT say "storehouses" but rather "granaries" - sitoboloonas. Look it up for yourself.
Now, if you think you have a legitimate argument here it only shows that you are blind and already have your mind made up to see what you want to see.
I then started asking (for 3.5 pages worth of replies) for you to explain WHY you believe it - WHY you believe an extra-Biblical doctrine while claiming the Bible is the only source of doctrine. I asked you WHY it's a problem for me to believe this when you believe the exact same thing about the first 80% of church history. You talked about a "prophecy" about the KJV, but you never explained how that answers my question, nor answered my follow up questions and points about that either. You kept saying "Good questions", but you didn't answer the heart of the matter. Are you willing to answer the questions here, or am I wasting my time?
Brian, I gave you what I think is a pretty good answer to your questions. You just didn't like it. God's words were preserved in the book of the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures, which all your modern versions like the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV, NET, Holman, etc. OFTEN reject. The New Testament book was most likely in the Old Latin (not the Vulgate) and the Waldensian New Testaments till the time of the Reformation. Then is passed over into the English via a process of purification till it reached its final stage in the Authorized King James Bible, then simply known as the Holy Bible.
Here is the full article again for those who have not seen it.
Like I said, I gave you an answer. Just because you don't like it or agree with it, does not mean that I didn't give you an answer.
All of grace - believing The Book.
Will Kinney