Originally Posted by Josh
Hmm... You say that God first created the heaven and the earth, then destroyed it, then re-created it and the other heavens. But Genesis 2:4 says, "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens". Seems the heaven s were made in the same day as the earth.
You addressed a tiny little sliver of my post; when a person looks at the big picture, it becomes apparent that there is more to be seen than just "Seems the heaven
s were made in the same day as the earth." There are quite a few holes in your side of the argument that can't be covered by that little verse.
Genesis 1:3 was the FIRST day. Time did exist since 1:1, but being that Jesus Christ was the light, and all the created beings were spiritual, there was no need of a light/dark cycle, or "days."
Something else to keep in mind is that "day," while in the Creation refers to a 24 (ish) - hour period, the "day of the Lord" is not a specific day at all, but a period of time. While I don't have a definite response at this very instant (I need a nap), there is more to be done on your side than simply "HA! Day, I win, you loose, blah blah blah." I outlined several things that need to be addressed other than the single opposition you present.