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Old 11-10-2008, 09:50 PM
toiwnz toiwnz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 20
Default Death

Ok guys, I'm stuck in between doctrines and I'm trying to find my place. Now I was raised on the doctrine that once a christian dies that he or she goes to Heaven and vice versa if they are unsaved. Now all of that was very comforting when my daddy and grandaddy died. But I never questioned it. I just assumed it was right. Well after looking at the Bible, I found myself stuck. There are some questions that I looking for the answers to. I know much of the doctrine of the Adventist is wrong but I'm stuck between their doctrine of what happens at death and what I've been raised on. Let me just get to it. Here are some questions I'm trying to get answered

-If a person goes to Heaven when they die do they come back to their body at the ressurection just to go back to Heaven

-Why did Martha tell Jesus she knew her brother would rise at the last day?

-Why did Jesus talk about raising people up at the last day at leas four times in John 6

-Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would be with him this day in paradise. Jesus did go to paradise that day, He went in the tomb. Did Jesus mean I'm telling you today, that you'll be in paradise with me? Is this a case of mis puntuation (spelling)?

-King Solomon said the Dead know nothing not any thing Ecc 9:5, King David say the dead don't praise the Lord Ps 115:17. Explain these

-Aren't all the dead waiting for judgment Dan 12:2?

These are just some of the questions I have. No, I'm not trying bring confusion or start anything or bring division in this forum as I've seen some do. I honestly have these questions and looking for true sound biblical answers. I know the parable of the rich man and lazarus. I'm just looking for some answers. Thanks for you alls help.

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