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So you want God to use you?
So you want God to call you? Is there any of you that want God to call you to do something for Him? Maybe preach, sing, witness or just talk to someone about the Bible. Well, as Christians in order to God to call us we need to be in the position to be called. I was listening to a sermon by Dr. Ruckman about a week ago talking about God calling people. He said something like maybe some of you are wondering why God has not called you…maybe you are not in calling distance. AMEN to that. I believe if we want God to call us we should first be in a place to be called. That means we need to get our testimony straightened up. We need to sow to the spirit and not the flesh. Get right with God! Do away with the things that are keeping you from reading your Bible and praying to God. Is your life consumed with politics? Are you worried about who will win the election? Is it keeping you from having fellowship with God? Do not worry about it. God is in control. Pray about it and do not let that TV have control over your life. Instead of watching McCain and Obama rant and rave, why don’t you get in that King James Bible and study it or pray for those Missionaries that your church supports. To those who are not married and maybe even to the married. Maybe lust is taking control of you. Maybe you have a woman or man that is straying you away from God…or maybe you are straying them away from God. Straighten up that relationship and know that God is watching. Avoid those sexual ads and TV commercials that show half naked women in their bathing suit. Quit putting yourself in the position to sin. Call on God when you are faced with things you cannot handle yourself. God can handle it. Quote verses when you are faced with temptation. Submit to God! James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Maybe you are consumed with reading secular books, video games or worldly music. Why read books about witchcraft, lust and worldly things that will not amount to a hill of beans when you die when you could be studying the word of God and getting blessings that will stick with you all of your life. Maybe you get in your car and the radio comes on and there is a secular song that satisfies your flesh. Turn it off and get yourself some Gospel Hymn tapes and CD’s. How is God going to call you to do something for Him if you are living in the world and enjoying the things of the flesh? Run to God and give Him your life completely. Consume your life with God and His word. Who are you serving today, Christian? God or the world Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” The next thing you need to do for God to call you is simple. You need to want to be called. Pray that God uses you. Pray that God helps you straighten up your life, so you can serve Him without any interruptions. Do you want to preach? Do something about it! Study the Bible and pray that God shows you something in it. Do you want to witness? Go out on the streets, knock on doors, make conversation. This next verse is a blessing... Acts 22:10 "And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus; and there it shall be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do." You see what the Lord said to Paul? Arise and Go! Then God will give you something to do and He will provide. Quit sitting around and do something. Get right and do something for God. You might not have long to do it because the Lord might come tomorrow. Revelation 22:20 “.. Surely I come quickly..” I hope this message will be a blessing to those that read it. I encourage you all to live for the Lord and keep a good testimony. Love in Christ and God Bless you all,
Your Brother in Christ, Cody |
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