I had been searching for some time about this Greek old testament supposidlly compiled by a Poltimy II Pharoah in Alexandrea some 240BC.
Of all the translated documents and collums the four main schools of Egyptology of Harvard, Yale, Cambridge and Oxford Univeristies, say that as far as their knowledge of the event only the first five books of the Law were translated into Greek. their records indicate that Poltimy II was only interested in the Hebrew law not all of Hebrew history.
The 70 only copied the first five books of Moses in 70 days according to these sources. Not the whole Old Testament as many scholars claim. Only one modern encyclopidia states that and it is Encarta by microsoft.
According to their concensus the rest of the O.T. was added around 300AD. seems very clear and makes a lot of sense that only five OT books were translated in 70 days and not the whole OT as we are told today in many BIble Colleges.