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Old 10-23-2008, 05:08 PM
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Luke Luke is offline
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Posts: 594
Default Texe Marrs - Blind and the Dead

A great video exposing false teachers today, especially those of the charasmatic pursuasion. I don't know a lot about Texe Marrs himself (he seems quite full of conspiracy theories), but this one is well documented.

WARNING: This video shows actual demonic possession on video. Don't watch if that things scares you or you are unprepared. Pray before watching.

If anyone has watched this... is there any doubt that these men KNOW who they serve.

Consider the rant between Kenneth Copeland and Howard Browne (I have actually seen that entire event). They are talking to each other in tongues, pointing at the audience and laughing. They are demons. They know it. They serve the devil, and I believe they know they do.

A guy in Australia had that entire event on DVD and slowed down the tongues speaking. They were speaking english, worshipping the God bacchus (god of wine and debauchery), and saying other demonic things.

Look at the face on Howard Browne when he tells them to speak in tongues, and then laugh in the "spirit". You can just see the devil in him. You can see that his thoughts are not that of a man, but that of the devil "I've got them". OH Lord, it's so sad.

The last guy on the DVD is Marjoe Gortner - a child evangelist who grew up - never knew Jesus, but knows the tricks of the trade. Made a documentary, not as an expose, but because he craved money. Probably the only one not knowingly serving Satan (instead, willingly serving the flesh), but still decieved. Sad sad times.

I am also sure I saw Pastor Brian Houston (of Hillsong Australia fame) in one of the Toronto blessing videos on there.

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