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Old 10-23-2008, 10:16 AM
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atlas atlas is offline
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You are 100% wrong I did not misquote anyone one time.

The trouble that you, and so many others, are having here is that you misquote Dr. Ruckman and then rail on him after doing so. (Go back and read you words and see if the quotes match.)
Can you not read my post? It is on page one. How dare you missrepresent and say I misquote anyone, when the facts prove I do not.

Do you not understand I put the time the quote came from? Can you not read and hear at the same time? The quotes are a 100% perfect word for word match.

I did this and the quotes match word for word


On the MP3 file at 29 seconds he says,

I teach the baby is not a living soul until it breaths

MP3 file 42 seconds

and so I don't teach that abortion is murder like the brethren do

It starts back again on the MP3 file at 2:54

abortion is murder, abortion is murder they show you pitchers. What are they trying to prove? They are trying to prove that the thing looks like a person it is a person. That is what Darwin taught. You've got to watch that business.
Every quote I made has the MP3 time beside the quote. Check it out. Do not lie and say I misquoted anyone I NEVER DID SO!!!!


You will see the qoutes are word for word.

Dr. Ruckman teaches (and so do I) then that when someone aborts a living baby in the womb, they are not murdering a living soul.
Well both of you have no scripture for this teaching.

Tell me who dose Gen 2:7 applies to other than Adam?


Last edited by atlas; 10-23-2008 at 10:32 AM.

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