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Old 09-21-2008, 11:09 PM
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Default Our time with the Lord

I am very curious how everyone spends there daily time with the Lord. Mainly, I am curious what everyones Bible study time is like. When do you go the Lord in His Word? How long do you usually spend reading the Scriptures each day? What is your prayer time like? Are you consistent in all these things?

I'll start. On a good day, I start my morning with a hymn from the Mennonite "Church Hymnal," or "The Christian Hymnary." After worship, I will get down on my knees with my face to the floor and just talk to our Father about how I desire to fulfill His purpose for the day. Usually it is a time where I plead with Him to let me shine forth His righteousness to this dark world. I almost always ask Him to help me get along with my boss, lol. But other than that it's just a time to invite the Lord to rule in all things that day. After that I try to get in as much time in the Scriptures as I can before I have to leave. Usually this isn't much, but it always helps to get some time in the Word each morning. In the evening I read a portion of Scripture designated in my "through the Bible in a year" plan that I haven't been keeping to very well. Before I get into my bed I hit the floor again and plead for mercy for my sins that day, and ask the Lord to bless the time I read while in bed.

On bad days, I pray as I ride my motorcycle to work in the morning, and then I read a few chapters of Scripture in the evening after I hit the floor in prayer. I'm never happy about these days...

So that's how my time with the Lord looks. I really would love to hear how those that are mature in the Lord spend their time with our Father. I'd love to know how I could be better at this most important part of my daily life in Christ Jesus.

Peace and Love,
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 09-22-2008, 07:30 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
On bad days, I pray as I ride my motorcycle to work in the morning, and then I read a few chapters of Scripture in the evening after I hit the floor in prayer. I'm never happy about these days...
Brother I really hope and pray that your prayer time on your motorcycle dosent include you closing your eyes!
On a more serious note though I wouldn't fret to much on the "read the Bible in a year" plan for I am sure many will testify on this forum, particularly those Older brothers that they are still reading the Bible as a new Book 50 years later.
My Grandfather always says to me that If I try and cram to much Word to fit within a time scale, I will sicken myself, to go at the pace God wants me to learn at. I guarantee you that If you read your Bible with the added pressure that you only have so much time to finish it, it will distract you from what you are reading presently. Forget the deadline and concentrate on what you are being shown now or else you will miss message our LORD has for you.
As for me, I pray all through the day, I am constantly (in my head of course) talking to our LORD, we think all the day so why not think about what God can do or has done or will do, its wonderful to think that there are no appointments for God, when we need him he is there!
As for my Bible study, I read every night for about an hour or 2 and study during the day, but I'm unemployed at the moment so I have time for that.
I also have a notebook with my Bible and I would recommend this to anyone, to write out scripture as you read, and cross reference it helps it "stick" in your mind and as you write I will guarantee that it will open your eyes to the scripture also.

Psalms 143:1
Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.
Old 09-22-2008, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
I am very curious how everyone spends there daily time with the Lord. Mainly, I am curious what everyones Bible study time is like. When do you go the Lord in His Word? How long do you usually spend reading the Scriptures each day? What is your prayer time like? Are you consistent in all these things?

Peace and Love,
Brother Stephen, this is a good question. Of course, everyone has their own particular way of communing with the Almighty, but like Peopleoftheway's counsel, I would humbly encourage you to avoid the bondage of a "checking-the-box" system.

What I mean is that it's certainly okay to have a specific schedule or scheduled quiet time if that's how the Holy Spirit directs you, but I want to encourage you to avoid making the "schedule" or "quiet time" the priority and focus. Sometimes, our time with the Lord becomes routine instead of relationship.

Personally, I once felt guilty if I missed my morning or evening quiet time. Often, when time was running short, I felt the pressure and the urgency to get my time in with the Lord in order to appease my conscience. I needed to "check the box" so I would feel like my duty had been done for that day. That's the point, my walk with Jesus Christ through prayer and Bible study/meditation became duty instead of delight. I left my first love. I was "doing" the right thing, but I was not "being" who I was--Christ in me, the hope of glory! We are human beings, not human doings.

Life became a quiet time when the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ truly became my life. I'm not speaking of initial salvation, I am referring to daily life, moment by moment. "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen" (2 Peter 3:18).

Please let me share an illustration. One night I was cuddling my youngest daughter before bedtime. I was going over a particular Scripture in my mind and unexpectedly spoke out loud to the Lord in prayer. Sarah asked, “Daddy, who are you talking to?”

“I’m speaking with Jesus, sweetheart.”

Curiously she asked, “How do you hear His voice?” I paused for a moment to think about her profound question. After a moment of silence, Sarah quirked, “Hmmmm, gotcha thinking there didn’t I?” After a good laugh, I returned to a more serious mood and prayed for the words to answer her probing question.

I asked Sarah if she had ever started to do something that her mother or I had told her not to do. She thought for a second and then responded, “Yes, sir.” I then asked her if the specific verse of Scripture had ever come to her mind, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). She quickly answered, “Yes, sir.” I explained that when she recalls Scripture like that, the Lord is speaking directly to her heart. “Ohhhhh,” she said with excitement, “then the Lord speaks to me all the time!”

The Lord will speak to us through His Word. I’ve often read or quoted Scripture longing for more understanding. When this happens, I simply ask, “Lord Jesus, what are You saying to me?” Then I wait. As a Good Shepherd Who promises to guide me, He will often answer my request by bringing other passages of Scripture to my mind. Try it.

These are times of sweet fellowship and intimate communion with the Lord. I suppose this is the real essence of prayer. He speaks to me (through His Word), and I speak with Him. The beautiful part of this truth is that I can actually pray anytime and anywhere. I can pray without ceasing because Christ is always present. Indeed, “…there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). Prayer is simply keeping open channels of communication with the Lord.

Finally, I encourage you to hide God's Word in your heart. He will speak to you through His Word. The more you memorize, the more the Holy Spirit will bring to your mind, and you will be able to bask in the Word wherever and whenever.

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