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Old 06-08-2009, 12:42 AM
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Default Ask Mr. Religion -Intro

A little about me...

I am a Vietnam veteran, formerly a Catholic Jesuit (Tertian), and am an ordained minister (Southern Baptist 1984), who later joined the PCA. I pastored a new Reformed church in Clearwater, FL for a few years and then spent many years as a wireless communications technology expert at companies such as Alcatel, Motorola, Intel Corp., and General Dynamics. To this day I, along with my son, still maintain a wireless communications intellectual property consulting business that specializes in forensic patent analysis (related to puchases/licensing of intellectual or litigation).

I am a MDiv with an additional Licentiate in Sacred Theology certificate (2 yrs beyond a MDiv) graduate of the Jesuit School of Theology. After seven years of study, contemplation, and teaching, I left the Jesuits once I realized that as a "heretical" Jansenist, I could no longer keep my Jesuit vow to defend Catholicism.

I am also a MS (Adult Education) graduate of Nova Southeastern University.

I possess the BSEE and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Columbia Pacific University (now defunct - a very long story) and have been a MENSA member since I was eight years old. I have taught electrical engineering and computer science courses at So. Illinois University, DePaul University, and Augusta College.

In addition to being the founder and moderator of I moderate the Yahoo! Groups TheologosAMR advanced theology discussion mailing list.

In theology, I’m a Calvinist, creationist, inerrantist, cessationist, classical Christian theist, and moderately preterist. On the sacraments, I take them to be symbolic. I regard other issues in sacramentology as secondary to this primary position. In philosophy, I’m an Augustinian exemplarist. I’m a Cartesian dualist. I’m an alethic realist, but scientific antirealist. I believe in innate ideas, sense knowledge (I'm an indirect realist), and the primacy of divine revelation in Scripture. In ethics, I subscribe to traditional Christian morality, rooted God’s revealed law as the source and standard of personal and social ethics. I also subscribe to a infralapsarian theodicy.

In July 2008 I founded The Reformed Theology Institute (RTI) for the express purpose of providing a place where like-minded persons can come together and dialog in a civilized manner about the many aspects of the Reformed faith. Nearly one year later, I transitioned the full time ownership of RTI to another member, an outstanding defender of the Reformed faith.

I have been married for 27 years to a woman who makes me want to be a better man every day. Valerie taught mathematics at a local community college here in Chandler, Arizona.

Lastly, I am the 1994 founder of the Ask Mr. Religion confidential theology Q&A service. The nine volunteer member AMR service has provided custom theology research for academic theologians, religious web sites, and private individuals (mostly seminarians) since 1994. The fruits of the AMR volunteer theologians have anonymously appeared in hundreds of academic papers, conferences, internet forums. etc.

Go easy on me. I am earnestly studying the whole KJV issue and genuinely seeking to be enlightened and am open to correction.

The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 06-08-2009, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Ask Mr. Religion View Post
Go easy on me. I am earnestly studying the whole KJV issue and genuinely seeking to be enlightened and am open to correction.
Well, you have certainly stumbled into the right den of lions.
Old 06-08-2009, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Ask Mr. Religion View Post
A little about me...

I am a Vietnam veteran, formerly a Catholic Jesuit (Tertian), and am an ordained minister (Southern Baptist 1984), who later joined the PCA. I pastored a new Reformed church in Clearwater, FL for a few years and then spent many years as a wireless communications technology expert at companies such as Alcatel, Motorola, Intel Corp., and General Dynamics. To this day I, along with my son, still maintain a wireless communications intellectual property consulting business that specializes in forensic patent analysis (related to puchases/licensing of intellectual or litigation).

I am a MDiv with an additional Licentiate in Sacred Theology certificate (2 yrs beyond a MDiv) graduate of the Jesuit School of Theology. After seven years of study, contemplation, and teaching, I left the Jesuits once I realized that as a "heretical" Jansenist, I could no longer keep my Jesuit vow to defend Catholicism.

I am also a MS (Adult Education) graduate of Nova Southeastern University.

I possess the BSEE and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Columbia Pacific University (now defunct - a very long story) and have been a MENSA member since I was eight years old. I have taught electrical engineering and computer science courses at So. Illinois University, DePaul University, and Augusta College.

In addition to being the founder and moderator of I moderate the Yahoo! Groups TheologosAMR advanced theology discussion mailing list.

In theology, I’m a Calvinist, creationist, inerrantist, cessationist, classical Christian theist, and moderately preterist. On the sacraments, I take them to be symbolic. I regard other issues in sacramentology as secondary to this primary position. In philosophy, I’m an Augustinian exemplarist. I’m a Cartesian dualist. I’m an alethic realist, but scientific antirealist. I believe in innate ideas, sense knowledge (I'm an indirect realist), and the primacy of divine revelation in Scripture. In ethics, I subscribe to traditional Christian morality, rooted God’s revealed law as the source and standard of personal and social ethics. I also subscribe to a infralapsarian theodicy.

In July 2008 I founded The Reformed Theology Institute (RTI) for the express purpose of providing a place where like-minded persons can come together and dialog in a civilized manner about the many aspects of the Reformed faith. Nearly one year later, I transitioned the full time ownership of RTI to another member, an outstanding defender of the Reformed faith.

I have been married for 27 years to a woman who makes me want to be a better man every day. Valerie taught mathematics at a local community college here in Chandler, Arizona.

Lastly, I am the 1994 founder of the Ask Mr. Religion confidential theology Q&A service. The nine volunteer member AMR service has provided custom theology research for academic theologians, religious web sites, and private individuals (mostly seminarians) since 1994. The fruits of the AMR volunteer theologians have anonymously appeared in hundreds of academic papers, conferences, internet forums. etc.

Go easy on me. I am earnestly studying the whole KJV issue and genuinely seeking to be enlightened and am open to correction.

Mr. R, you and I have exchanged brief comments in another thread, I would like to welcome you to the forum. You're a Vietnam vet, welcome home and thank you for your service. In my 10 years on the internet this is the only, other than brother Will Kenney's WHICH VERSION yahoo group, Christian forum I really feel comfortable in. It's been very edifying for me, I hope it is for you.

The "KJVO" issue is actually a simple one that can be resolved by one verse of Scripture, internal evidence rather than manuscript evidence, and is what the opponents to the KJV as inspired Scripture have painted themselves into a corner with:

Ro 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

In order to be called "the word of God" we have to consider this word to have been given by inspiration of God. The Other Side says there is no inspiration beyond the original manuscripts. If that is true we are left only with this:

Ro 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the original manuscripts.

If that is the case, as salvation is by grace through faith, then there's been no salvation since the original manuscript containing the gospel(I Corinthians 15)deteriorated. Which is why you will once and a while see the Other Side made fun of a little in the Bible Versions part of this forum. As Art Linkletter once said, Kids Say The Darndest Things.

Welcome again brother

Old 06-08-2009, 10:30 AM
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Default Welcome !

Hello AMR. Welcome to the website. I clicked on the link to your homepage and I like what I see! Be warned though that the resident Landmarkers, Arminians and the slice-n-dice the scriptures folks (aka; Dispensationalists) will be very upset with you simply because you have admitted that you hold to the Reformed Faith. Post Tenebrux , Lux! Out of Darkness, Light!

I would urge you to look at the first (Home page) of this site and look up the works by Edward Hills (The King James Bible Defended) and also the writings of Dean Burgon. Also read a book by Fuller titled "Which Bible?". The site owner (Diligent) has posted a short list of verses that are different or mangled by the new translations, on the front page called "verse charts". Two that could be included in that chart are John1:1 and Romans 3:25. The NWT and the NIV are really bad translations.

BTW, the Hills book is now available free on the internet thanks to his widow.

Stay on the Path - just as "Christian" was heading for The Celestial City.
Old 06-08-2009, 02:47 PM
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The only time I have ever seen you post is to "back up" one of your reformed brethren, and take stabs at the right dividers...

There are no arminians on this board. When they come, they get deleted real quick, because they can't stop blabbing about losing your salvation. I don't think there are any landmarkers either.
Old 06-08-2009, 07:20 PM
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Welcome AMR, I look forward to meeting you here via the various discussions. I must also add that I am thrilled that the RTI site exists, so us poor folk can get an insight to seminary that otherwise would be impossible for the average lay person of age.
Old 06-08-2009, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: "Ask Mr. Religion -Intro"

Originally Posted by PB1789 View Post
"Hello AMR. Welcome to the website. I clicked on the link to your homepage and I like what I see! Be warned though that the resident Landmarkers, Arminians and the slice-n-dice the scriptures folks (aka; Dispensationalists) will be very upset with you simply because you have admitted that you hold to the Reformed Faith. Post Tenebrux , Lux! Out of Darkness, Light!"

"I would urge you to look at the first (Home page) of this site and look up the works by Edward Hills (The King James Bible Defended) and also the writings of Dean Burgon. Also read a book by Fuller titled "Which Bible?". The site owner (Diligent) has posted a short list of verses that are different or mangled by the new translations, on the front page called "verse charts". Two that could be included in that chart are John1:1 and Romans 3:25. The NWT and the NIV are really bad translations."

"BTW, the Hills book is now available free on the internet thanks to his widow."

"Stay on the Path - just as "Christian" was heading for The Celestial City."

Aloha all,

I have noticed that "PB1789" has enlarged his list of “LABELS” in dispensing with all of us here on the AV1611 Bible Forums who have not embraced Calvinism. At one time it was just: “the "Free-Will" folks on this website” and “the ARMINIANS” (see links below) – He now has “expanded” that list to: “Be warned though that the resident Landmarkers, Arminians and the slice-n-dice the scriptures folks (aka; Dispensationalists)”.

Our brother “PB1789” has never seen fit to refute any of the Posts that I made on the Thread “Calvinism Sound Doctrine?”; instead he has resorted to dismissing us and whatever we may have to say, by the simple device of “LABELING” us first, and then placing us in one “CAMP” or another. By his latest comments, I see he has been forced to reevaluate his private “LABELING SYSTEM” and has now ADDED the: “slice-n-dice the scriptures folks (aka; Dispensationalists)”.

This is a clever “device”, but it fails to refute the Scriptural expose of the doctrines of Calvinism (as put forth in T.U.L.I.P.), and what many of us on the AV1611 Bible Forums believe. Instead “PB1789” has resorted to the last refuge of a man who cannot defend his beliefs – LABELS and calling people NAMES! Just exactly like I said back in March 4 of this year:

AV1611 Bible Forums > Doctrine > CALVINISM: Sound Doctrine?” > Post#72
Part of Post #72 - PB1789’s Quote:TULIP was penned as a REPLY to the attacks of the ARMINIANS (not armEnians---they live near present-day Turkey) in the 1600's in The Netherlands, where students of Jacob Hermann (Jacobus Arminius-his Latinized name) a professor -- taught the very things that most of the "Free-Will" folks on this website hold to... but don't even know that they are just doing what Arminius' students did centuries ago in Holland when they attacked the Biblical Doctrine of God's Sovereign Grace, and His All-Knowing/All-Seeing/Omni-Presence with the publication of the "Remonstrance".
AV1611 Bible Forums > Doctrine > CALVINISM: Sound Doctrine?” > Post#73
Part of Post #73 - George’s Quote: “Your weak attempt to "classify" and "label" all of us who disagree with you and your beliefs as the "the Free-Will folks", is the "last refuge" of a man who is unable to defend what he believes, and ends up calling people names! SAD!”
Part of Post #73 - George’s Quote: For the record – Please note how a Calvinist (PB1789) goes about labeling (“the "Free-Will" folks on this website”) those of us who disagree with his “precious doctrine”, and placing us in the "ARMINIAN" Camp, just exactly as I said most Calvinists do, in my introductory remarks to this Thread!”
Ask yourself – WHY was it necessary for “PB1789” to “warn” AMR about US? (In an "Introductory Thread" - NO LESS!) Did he not see the man’s “CREDENTIALS”? Does he think that AMR wouldn’t have the discernment to be able to discern where many (if not “most”) of US are coming from? WHY the “warning”? WHY do “Christians” resort to these underhanded tactics? WHY didn’t “PB1789” at least wait for a little while before warning AMR and personally insulting many of the brethren on the Forum?

Is “PB1789” so dissatisfied with the brethren on this Forum that he has to WARN a newcomer to the Forum about US? WHY would “PB1789” want to plant seeds of distrust before AMR even has the opportunity to get to know us, and vise versa? HOW is it that "PB1789" knows that we "will be very upset with you (AMR) simply because you have admitted that you hold to the Reformed Faith." Isn't that prejudging US - BEFORE we have said or done anything?

Today’s “Christians” never cease to amaze me! Between “Tmonk” and “GREEKtim” seeking to weaken a Christian’s faith in God’s Holy words and “PB1789” attempting to “stir up trouble” with a new member to the Forum (BEFORE anything is even said or done); we sure have our share of “TROUBLEMAKERS”!

It’s like I have said before: I wouldn’t think of joining any church, institution, club, group, Forum, etc., with which I was in fundamental disagreement with; so WHY do these “TROUBLEMAKERS” come here - unless it is to foment dissension, contention, strife, and division? You wouldn’t catch me joining the “FFF” Forum – NOT for ALL the tea in China; NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

We Christians are supposed to be always edifying one another [Romans 14:19; Romans 15:2; 1Corinthians 10:23; 1Corinthians 14:3, 12, 26; 2 Corinthians 10:8; 2Corinthians 12:19; 2 Corinthians 13:10; Ephesians 4:12-16, 29; 1Thessalonians 5:11;1Timothy 1:4] – NOT always engaging “theological debates” (GREEKtim).

Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

2 Corinthians 12:20 For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults:
Did you notice: that “DEBATE” is up there with – “fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; murder, deceit, and malignity? WHY would a “Christian” ENJOYDEBATE”? I will “contend for the faith”, but I get NO pleasure or enjoyment from DEBATE! I grow weary of all the “gnat-strainers”, “troublemakers", and Sophists!

Proverbs 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

Last edited by George; 06-08-2009 at 08:26 PM.
Old 06-08-2009, 09:26 PM
Waiting for the Morning Waiting for the Morning is offline
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Hello, This is my first post, I praise my Saviour for some folks who will stand up for the KJB. I'm not sure if Mr. Religion will get this or not, but I wondered if you heard Ian Paisley's radio report on "The Black Pope and His Murder Men". Being a former Jesuit I thought you could verify the info given. If you have not heard it, it is on Sermon Audio . Just for your info, I am not an Armenian or Calvinist but a Bible Believer, I pray that the Lord shows you the peace and joy that can be found in resting in the pure Word's of the Authorized Version.

I also was wandering if Luke is a PBI grad? What I've read of your post's you seem to believe the Book as I do. In Iowa I don't here Christians talk like you and it's a breathe of fresh air to see the Word's of God lifted up and honored.

In Christ's service,

Bro. Thane
Old 06-08-2009, 09:54 PM
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"Today’s “Christians” never cease to amaze me!"

I agree, George. Today's "Christian Soldiers" are the only army of soldiers on Earth that bayonet their own wounded.
Old 06-08-2009, 10:57 PM
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I apologize if my post was a trigger for divisiveness. It was certainly not my intent.

Yes, I do recommend TNARS,, as a great seminary (and free!). We need more initiatives like TNARS. Persons should check out their curriculum and I think they will be pleasantly surprised. Review the oversight board of TNARS here: and you will see some familiar names.


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