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Old 02-18-2009, 05:09 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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They had some Charismatics try already to cast it out shouting "in Jesus Name" and she about killed them. like Sheva and his son's. Her Baptist pastor just says I guess she wasn't saved after all. He tried to cast it out as well but no luck. I have suggested that we pray and fast before trying to command it to leave. A fellow American Pastor and I are considering to do this and then go visit. so pray for her.

As for the Pastor well he continues to try and build a church but until the lying, and confession and repentance take place he may not get far.
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Old 02-18-2009, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
They had some Charismatics try already to cast it out shouting "in Jesus Name" and she about killed them. like Sheva and his son's. Her Baptist pastor just says I guess she wasn't saved after all. He tried to cast it out as well but no luck. I have suggested that we pray and fast before trying to command it to leave. A fellow American Pastor and I are considering to do this and then go visit. so pray for her.

As for the Pastor well he continues to try and build a church but until the lying, and confession and repentance take place he may not get far.
Will do, and let us know when you plan to visit and we can join you in fasting.

Peace and Love,
Old 02-19-2009, 08:44 PM
MrSmith MrSmith is offline
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everything is sin

This world is a big sin hairball. so cough it up ask for forgiveness praise The Lord for his grace and mercy rejoice and be glad in it.
Old 02-20-2009, 11:17 AM
Paradigm Shift Paradigm Shift is offline
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This is an interesting thread. At first it seemed pretty whimsical to "rebuke" fortune cookies.

After reading some of the more serious posts, however, I see that it is imperative that believers "abstain from all appearance of evil."

Before I was saved, I used to hang with a friend who was very into tarot cards and such. At one point, I even purchased a set, though I just liked them for the "pretty pictures." I never actually tried to use them for fortune telling or anything like that.

I also played Dungeons and Dragons in high school and listened to some pretty bad music (Guns & Roses and other such bands.)

Through his infinite grace and mercy, God saved my soul and I can honestly say that I believe he also has protected me against evil spirits, even when I was unsaved. Even as a child, I knew that these things were not quite right. I never felt comfortable around occultic items such as Ouija boards and occultic jewelry. It is really weird that in the Barnes & Noble bookstore here in town the new age/occultic books are right near the Bibles and religious books.

Reading these posts has made me so thankful to Jesus that I have not had any encounters (at least that I'm aware of) with these demonic forces. I do keep bibles all around my apartment and oftentimes while at work I leave the Sunlife radio station playing (Jimmy Swaggart ministries: I live across the street from the church in his former dorm rooms. .

I figure that demonic spirits are not going to want to be where praise and worship music and bible teaching are being played.

Thanks be to God for allowing this post to remind us all of how careful we need to be in this present evil world. Although we are Children of God, (and I believe like Job, we have a hedge of protection around us,) we certainly do not need to give the devil or his forces any opening to attack us.

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