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Old 01-02-2009, 01:57 PM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
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I'm afraid you all have completely misunderstood me. I said that anyone who claims to be speaking the Scriptures, and yet cannot say that what he holds is 100% perfect and given by inspiration is lying, and I am not speaking of those on this forum who hold the King James Bible to be perfect. There is no need to be offended of defensive: I'm talking of others who don't really believe what they hold is perfect, and yet tell their congregations that they are speaking the words of God.

Inspiration is simply the work of the Holy Spirit upon someone: Paul, Peter, John, and others were inspired by God to wrote the words that He spoke to them through the Holy Spirit. If He inspired those imperfect men to write His perfect words, then why would it be a stretch to believe that He inspired the King James translators to write His perfect words as well? That's all I'm saying: God inspired imperfect men to write His perfect words. That is what inspiration is, pure and simple: He inspires men, not words: the Scriptures are "given by inspiration" and therefore perfect and infallible and eternal.
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Old 01-02-2009, 02:51 PM
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George George is offline
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Default Re: "Inspired" or "Given by inspiration"?

"I'm afraid you all have completely misunderstood me. I said that anyone who claims to be speaking the Scriptures, and yet cannot say that what he holds is 100% perfect and given by inspiration is lying, and I am not speaking of those on this forum who hold the King James Bible to be perfect. There is no need to be offended of defensive: I'm talking of others who don't really believe what they hold is perfect, and yet tell their congregations that they are speaking the words of God."

"Inspiration is simply the work of the Holy Spirit upon someone: Paul, Peter, John, and others were inspired by God to wrote the words that He spoke to them through the Holy Spirit. If He inspired those imperfect men to write His perfect words, then why would it be a stretch to believe that He inspired the King James translators to write His perfect words as well? That's all I'm saying: God inspired imperfect men to write His perfect words. That is what inspiration is, pure and simple: He inspires men, not words: the Scriptures are "given by inspiration" and therefore perfect and infallible and eternal."
Aloha brother,

Now I don't want to "beat a dead horse here", but I did not "misunderstand" what you said. This is exactly what you said:

"Amen brother. I hit on this a little in this thread a while back. It's important to understand that from a Biblical standpoint, it's the MEN that are inspired, not the words. Those words are given by inspiration of the Holy Ghost from the mouth of God, and if you cannot honestly believed that the King James Translators were inspired of God to give us that Book, then you're lying when you stand up and say "Thus say the scriptures."
Although I believe that God led and directed the A.V. 1611 translators in their work, I do NOT believe that "the King James Translators were inspired of God". And while I believe that you are entitled to your belief, the way you worded your statement, strongly intimated that anyone that did not believe that the King James translators were "inspired" are LIARS! I objected to that portion of your statement - NOT your personal conviction (which you are certainly entitled to) that they were inspired.

The words "inspire" and "inspired" cannot be found in the Bible. And the word "Inspiration" only shows up twice:

Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

It is extremely difficult to build a doctrine from just two verses. But neither of these verses says that men are "inspired".

I am glad that we can both agree that the King James Bible is the Holy and perfect word of God, providentially preserved by God through His people, just exactly as He wants it - infallible and without error.

If we disagree on the "mechanics" - we at least agree on the "finished product".

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